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South Africa Today technology news and updates

Entering 2017 with Virtual Reality: How to Build a VR-Ready PC

2016 was the year for virtual reality. The introduction of the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift to the gaming world finally brought gamers'...
Project to connect 22 million South Africans to internet

‘Internet for All’ in South Africa by 2020

Government is forging ahead with its plans to connect 22 million South Africans to the internet by 2020. Known as ‘Internet for All’, the initiative...
Law enforcement at the click of a button - Namola safety app. Photo: Twitter

Law enforcement at the click of a button

The Gauteng Department of Community Safety has partnered with Happimo organisation to launch a safety app, which helps with the response times of law...
Call for Africa to manufacture ICT devices

Call for Africa to manufacture ICT devices

Manufacturing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) devices and gadgets on the continent will help to bring down the costs of digitising Africa, says Telecommunications...
Do not open unknown emails

Do not open unknown emails

South Africans have been warned not to open any unknown emails and to urgently update their security software as a global cyber ransom attack...

Information Systems and Technology Trends Occurring in the Workplace

We’ve evolved as Internet and computer users – and yet – many of us are still relying on external hard drives and email to...

The Beginning of the End for the Utilities?

San Diego, California: ​​​While California’s investor-owned utilities continue to grapple with the solar power industry, solar with energy storage may tip the scales in...
Project to connect 22 million South Africans to internet

Project to connect 22 million South Africans to internet

A new initiative launched by government and the private sector in Durban today will aim to connect millions of South Africans to the internet...

Paperless classrooms and the environment

One of the main concerns that face schools nowadays is financing. Another concern that people have is how to stay green. If schools change...

Teacher Training Needed to Meet Technology Needs in Classrooms

It's not enough to fill classrooms with technology and hope that teachers will embrace the new tools and integrate them into their daily lessons....
A safer and more secure way to shop online.

Online Shopping – Safer & Faster Checkouts with Zapper

These days, a significant amount of retail business transactions take place in the online space. E-commerce has given customers with little time to spend...
Best Cheap Security Camera Surveillance System

Best cheap security camera surveillance system

If уоu want to inѕtаll a ѕесuritу саmеrа ѕurvеillаnсе ѕуѕtеm in уоur home оr workplace, but dоn't wаnt tо ѕреnd lаrgе ѕumѕ оf mоnеу,...