Chakra Beej Kriya- Manipoorak Chakra by Yogi Ashwini

Asans are not exercises. They are the gradual process of evolution in the body effectuated under sanidhya of a Guru. They are to be...

Chakra Beej Kriya- Swadhishthan Chakra by Yogi Ashwini

In this series we have been discussing the asans and beej mantras for the various chakras and how one can activate them and strengthen...

CHAKRA BEEJ KRIYA – Mooladhar Chakra by Yogi Ashwini

There is more to us than what meets the eye, the physical body is only an aspect of our existence which is directly controlled...

Chakra Beej Kriya (Part 1) by Yogi Ashwini

Yog is not about twisting and turning yourself into knots and complicated postures, yog taps into the power of consciousness. As you practice yog...

Asan Series : Body sculpting Asans (Part 4) Yogi Ashwini

In the last article of this series, we discussed how over-exercising leads to ageing and also how asanas are not exercises, for they work...
Yogi Ashwini

Building the Basics IV: Destress those Tensed Muscles

Feel those muscles knotting up? Stress today, has become an integral part of the modern man's lifestyle - leaving no age group untouched. Work...

You are as young as straight is your spine

Spine is often referred to as the second brain. It controls the reflexes of the body and also links all the major organs of...

Phenomenal power of Yog

When we read the ancient vedic texts like puranas etc, we come across human beings with supernatural abilities, exuding phenomenal strength. We hear of...