WHO and partners call for renewed global efforts to unite, act and eliminate neglected tropical diseases

WHO and partners call for renewed global efforts to unite, act...

Commemorating World NTD Day 2024 Geneva, Switzerland, 30 January 2024 -/African Media Agency(AMA)/-On World Neglected Tropical Disease Day 2024, WHO is calling on everybody, including leaders...

Are you suffering from itchy, inflamed skin and #scratching for answers?

Johannesburg, 2 September 2020: 14 – 18 September is National Eczema Week. This week is dedicated to improving the awareness and understanding of atopic...

Fulfill your V-face desires with Korean threadlift

Nowadays, it is exceptionally commonplace for many Singaporeans to seek cosmetic procedures. Once averted and generally mentioned about in secret conversations, there are now...
Ladies, maintain your active lifestyle effortlessly

Ladies, maintain your active lifestyle effortlessly

What better way to maintain your health than by adding an organic supplement to your diet?  2023 Kicked off with a bang!  There is a...

How Cosmetic Gynaecology is Re-Shaping Women’s Intimate Life

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (AETOSWire): For women of all ages, access to proper and timely intimate health care services is vital to maintaining a sound...

Reasons There Is No Such Thing As A Normal Headache

Headaches do not have to be a normal occurrence in your life. If you are experiencing headaches to the degree that you call them...
CosmeSurge launches its 16th Clinic in the heart of Dubai Healthcare City

CosmeSurge launches its 16th Clinic in the heart of Dubai Healthcare...

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 9 October 2019, (AETOSWire) : CosmeSurge, one of the region’s most trusted brand for cosmetic and aesthetic procedures, has launched...

Cycling to work can halve cancer and heart disease risk

The news that cycling is good for your health is unlikely to come as a surprise. However, the extent to just how significantly a person's health could be...

Treatments offered at Edwin Lim Aesthetic Clinic in Singapore

In Singapore, aesthetic treatments have matured into something increasingly common in the last 5 years. In the past, it was deemed a sign of...
Yogi Ashwini

Chakra Beej Kriya- Yog Nidra by Yogi Ashwini

In this article, we conclude our series on Chakra Beej Asans, where we discussed the Chakra Beej Kriya, a set of asans and dhwanis that taps into the phenomenal...

Romance and schizophrenia: An odd couple

Dating in an era of social media can be daunting. Dating for people living with schizophrenia? Double daunting. This is why many people living...
Patrick Onyango Mangen, REPSSI CEO

REPSSI and partners host seventh Regional Psychosocial Support Forum

The Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative (REPSSI) and partners recently hosted the The Psychosocial Support Forum (PSS). Under the theme ‘Mental health in Context’ the...