The World’s First Precision Institute to redefine the Healthcare Industry as we know it

The World’s First Precision Institute to redefine the Healthcare Industry as...

Johannesburg, 5 December 2023: InUversal Group, a health and biotech market disruptor in Africa and the Middle East that is transforming the way we...
Why Spa Treatments Deserve the Monthly Indulgence

The Ultimate Luxury: Why Spa Treatments Deserve the Monthly Indulgence

Amid our hectic and demanding schedules, prioritising moments of relaxation and self-care are crucial for maintaining overall physical and mental well-being. Beyond mere luxury,...
Time to take control of your sexual health says Kena Health

Time to take control of your sexual health says Kena Health

Kena Health’s Clinical Care Lead, Dr Chido Siame, says that the Gauteng Department of Health’s announcement report that cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)...
How what we eat and drink affects sleep

How what we eat and drink (and when) affects sleep

Nutrition is important to overall health yet many people overlook the significant role that diet plays in sleep quality. Tetley partner dietitian, Mbali Mapholi,...
Paul Miller is the CEO of Cipla South Africa

Guardians of tomorrow: Rethinking infant vaccination strategies

As we navigate the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, the importance of vaccinations cannot be overstated. In South Africa, where diverse cultures and traditions shape the fabric...
Take part in World Cancer Day

Take part in World Cancer Day

The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) has encouraged South African citizens to support the third year of the World Cancer Day campaign. The slogan...

Exploring the Potential of Safflower- Fat Oxidation and Weight Loss

CLA safflower offers substantial benefits for anyone who seeks to boost their weight loss efforts. While including safflower moderately in your diet can help...

All You Need To Know About Dental Implants

Teeth are important parts of your body. They are not accessories of a lovely smile. Losing a tooth is an absolutely serious matter that...
Tissue Massage

How Deep Tissue Massage Helps Chronic Pain

There are tons of massages to choose from when you enter a spa. From Swedish, shiatsu, hot stone, or Thai massages, you can select...

Men Get Ready to Join the Grooming Bandwagon

Dubai, United Arab Emirates-Tuesday 22 January 2019 Most men are ready to grow moustaches, but the fear of spotting a white hair might...

Does CBD Oil Relieve Arthritis Pain?

CBD Oil also known as hemp oil is made up of CBD extracts sourced from cannabis plants. Recently, a few studies have linked cannabidiol...

Know All About Radiotherapy and Its Functioning

Radiotherapy is using radiations to treat cancer cells. You may have it inside your body or from outside your body. The Department of Radiation...