Shocking testimony: Genocide with farm killings in South-Africa

This is a 10 minutes extract from the stunning documentary ‘War of the Flea’ from director Rian van der Walt published in 2011. It contains shocking information on the white genocide that is being carried out under ANC-rule in the ‘new’ South-Africa against the white minority of the ‘Afrikaners’ by farm killings or ‘plaasmoorde’. It was shown at an international conference in the European Parliament in February 2012, in the presence of farmers’ spokesman Henk Van de Graaf and hosted by Philip Claeys, member of the European Parliament for the Vlaams Belang-party. The full movie is 93minutes. Did you see it already on your TV-screen? We neighter. Compare this to the worldwide hysteria in the time of ‘apartheid’ and draw your own conclusions… (Note: ‘war of the flea’ means ‘guerilla warfare’).

(NL) Dit is een schokkend deel van de Engelstalige reportage ‘War of the Fleas’ over de genocide op blanke boeren in Zuid-Afrika onder het ANC-regime. Zag u het op uw TV? Wij ook niet… Vergelijk dit even met de mediahysterie ten tijde van de apartheid… Een vertaling in het Nederlands wordt voorbereid.