How to Produce the Content Your Clients Are Looking for

How to Produce the Content Your Clients Are Looking for
How to Produce the Content Your Clients Are Looking for. Image source: Pixabay

With such a focus on the customer moving into 2019, businesses are finding new ways to generate the specific content their customers are looking for.

This is leading companies to get to know its customers better in order to provide information that aligns with customer interests and needs.

Below are a few elements companies should work into their content management strategies for 2019.

Know Your Customer’s Struggles

Sometimes, too many options can stifle creative thinking. Some companies can relate by feeling overwhelmed with the amount of content they could write about.

There are also many styles and formats this content could be written in.

For a company in this predicament, it’s beneficial to focus on your customer’s struggles.

Segment your customers into buyer personas and identify each of their biggest problems.

Consider the situations they are in and why they struggle with each issue. Now create your marketing strategy around at least one way your company can address the issue.

From here, you can explore sub-challenges and related issues to create several posts.

Your customers helped you come up with quality content, and you are helping to make their lives a little easier.

With your content clearly defined by your customer’s struggles, you can focus on the best writing style.

What is the easiest and most efficient way to share this information? An infographic is perfect for data-heavy content.

Consider ebook content-heavy information. Break it up into small, easy to read chapters to make it seem less intimidating to time-pressed customers.

Or maybe a video or podcast is a better option for this type of consumer.

Personalized Visuals

One new trend for extreme personalization is taking photos from a customer’s Facebook or Instagram account to personalize the company’s content to each customer.

Referencing a post the customer recently made on Twitter or Facebook can also be used.

Content customized to a buyer is sure to be attention grabbing. There are mixed feelings concerning this trend, however.

It needs to be done right to avoid a customer feeling that his or her privacy is being violated.

However, there is potential to create an impact when a company can generate seemingly unique content for each customer.

Content That Stands the Test of Time

Some content will remain useful (evergreen) to your audience, but may need to be edited or added to as changes or trends occur in your industry.

Your customers will appreciate knowing they can find this information on your site, and you will appreciate the money and time saved by using evergreen content.

Evergreen material can also be repurposed into other content styles and formats. You can choose to delete the original information once you have repurposed it into another style, or keep both.

The likelihood of a customer viewing both is unlikely, and even if they do, content should be altered to fit each format.

If you are presenting your information as a presentation, call out short quotes that are simple to remember.

Or condense your content by pulling out just the statistics for an impactful infographic. You could also expand on your content and create a podcast.

Are you familiar with the most common forms of content? They include:

  •  Social media quotes
  •  Blog posts
  •  Checklists
  •  Infographics
  •  Podcasts
  •  Videos, webinars, and seminars
  •  White papers

Consider your audience’s preferences and the type of content you have to share, and it will be easy to choose the best format for your posts.

Quality Is Critical but Quantity Is Necessary

Time and again, companies ask which is more important in content, quality or quantity?

They are hoping for a one or the other answer, but both remain equally important in 2019.

Creating quality content is a challenging task on its own, let alone attempting to do it on a regular basis. Finding time to write so much copy can be daunting or you can hire Essay4Students to do it.

To help create that endless list of quality subjects to write about, see what existing, content can be repurposed.

There are websites that can help you generate blog topic ideas, you can repurpose content to put into different formats like an ebook, infographic, etc., and several other options to help you stockpile ideas.

Personalized Emails

Personalized emails are also known as behavior trigger emails because they are sent based on actions taken by an individual as they interact with your business.

Amazon is an example of a company who has successfully utilized personalized emails.

A person is browsing cameras on Amazon, and this triggers an email to be sent to him or her about…you guessed it, digital cameras.

However, Amazon takes this one step further by disguising the email as a sweepstakes.

This person is now invited to take steps to be entered to win different camera items.

Triggers can also include: location, age, or site-visiting history. Personalized emails can be used to invite a recent customers to visit your site again, provide information on a product or service they clicked on, or thank them for browsing products and asking them to contact you for additional support.

Whatever the purpose of the email, personalized emails have a much higher open rate than standard emails.

Companies who realize the importance of personalizing its content are reaping the rewards with an improved customer experience that results in increased brand awareness, brand loyalty and sales.