Indian Court Says Forced Marital Sex is Not Rape

New Delhi: A Delhi court has ruled that sex between a husband and wife, "even if forcible, is not rape." The judge's decision, which was...

Black men opened fire on the women and infant

A 9-month-old baby has been senselessly killed and three woman left critically injured in a home invasion late Saturday in Georgia, United States. Stone...

Black Man Attacts White People while Yelling “I hate white people”

A man was left brain dead after being violently attacked for being white. The racially charged hate crime happened in New York City’s Union...
Tornado rips Missouri town

Tornado rips Missouri town

An apparent tornado touched down Saturday afternoon in a small town east of Kansas City, Missouri, blowing roofs off houses and toppling trees and...

Mexico 6.0 earthquake forces people to flee into streets

A STRONG 6.0-magnitude earthquake shook southern Mexico and the nation’s capital Mexico City forcing locals and tourists to flee into the streets in the...
Stop pointing fingers and investigate British colonial war crimes first!

Stop pointing fingers and investigate British colonial war crimes first!

Simply because Britain claims that colonial crimes happened centuries ago and have made sure that they omitted these from being covered when they drafted...

Irresponsible, “advertorial” BBC reporting denying Genocide in South Africa

In an article on the BBC website, 3 May 2014, it is claimed that there is a mass return to South Africa by Expats,...
Ukraine soldiers killed in Sloviansk fighting

Ukraine soldiers killed in renewed Sloviansk fighting

Fierce fighting was followed by sporadic sniper fire in Sloviansk, as Fergal Keane reports Four Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and an army helicopter shot...

Malaysia plane’s flight path to be re-examined as search enters new...

SYDNEY – An international panel of experts will re-examine all data gathered in the nearly two-month hunt for the missing Malaysia jet to ensure...

Football fan killed in Brazil after having a toilet bowl thrown...

Santa Cruz's Estadio do Arruda in the Brazilian city of Recife- A fan was killed in clashes outside a football stadium in Brazil late...

Terrorism in the UK: Social media is now the biggest jihadi...

If an Islamic terrorist is apprehended in Detroit or blows himself up in Stockholm, it doesn’t usually take long to trace their career progression...

Did Jeremy Clarkson really use the N-word? No, says LITTLEJOHN

Jeremy Clarkson finds himself at the centre of yet another confected ‘racism’ storm, this time over allegations that he used the N-word in a...