Food Marijuana Dining

Marijuana dining gaining momentum

Marijuana legalization has chefs trying out pot pairings, and pot growers seeking new aromas and flavors. Colorado now has a few private dinners where...

CHAKRA BEEJ KRIYA – Mooladhar Chakra by Yogi Ashwini

There is more to us than what meets the eye, the physical body is only an aspect of our existence which is directly controlled...

Attacking that Migraine by Yogi Ashwini

Yog is a 5000-year-old science. When the whole world was living in caves and jungles according to modern historians, then the highly developed people...

Chakra Beej Kriya (Part 1) by Yogi Ashwini

Yog is not about twisting and turning yourself into knots and complicated postures, yog taps into the power of consciousness. As you practice yog...

Asan Series : Body sculpting Asans (Part 4) Yogi Ashwini

In the last article of this series, we discussed how over-exercising leads to ageing and also how asanas are not exercises, for they work...

Asan Series : Body sculpting Asans (Part 2) Yogi Ashwini

Last time we discussed three asans for getting a beautiful, healthy and shapely figure. These Asans are a part Sanatan Kriya and focus primarily...

Sugar ‘dangerously addictive’, say nutrition specialists

Three nutrition specialists have told a sugar free breakfast meeting in Cape Town that sugar is dangerously addictive and no one should have to...
Yogi Ashwini

The Healing Prana – Bringing Down Fever by Yogi Ashwini

Spiritual Healing is a potent ancient science, which when done under the guidance of a Guru, in a detached manner gives miraculous results. In our...

Body sculpting Asans (Part 1) by Yogi Ashwini

People who do over-exercising and excessive gymming do tend to look slim but symptoms of ageing set in very fast in them – wrinkles,...

Projections of mortality and causes of death, 2015 and 2030

This infographic displays data from the World Health Organization’s “Projections of mortality and causes of death, 2015 and 2030”. The report details all deaths...

Asan Series : Prarambhik Asans (Part 4 ) Yogi Ashwini

The Prarambhik asans as entailed in the Sanatan Kriya are potent tools to cleanse the etheric channels of the body. We have been discussing...

Pomodori Scoppiati – ‘Exploded’ Cherry Tomato Sauce

At long last, cherry tomatoes are here, pay dirt for every ghastly love apple we've had to eat out of season. Whether Italian heirlooms...