Medieval medical books could hold the recipe for new antibiotics

  For a long time, medieval medicine has been dismissed as irrelevant. This time period is popularly referred to as the “Dark Ages,” which erroneously...

South Africa needs more than a sugar tax to get to...

South Africa has been wrapped up in public and parliamentary debates on the value of South Africa’s proposed sugar tax. These highlight that the...

What Netflix can teach us about treating cancer

Two years ago, former President Barack Obama announced the Precision Medicine initiative in his State of the Union Address. The initiative aspired to a...

Pharma giant plots to destroy cancer drugs to drive up prices

Aspen Pharmaceuticals, a South African drug company, plotted to drive up the prices for several of its products, including a chemotherapy drug called busulfan, a drug called Leukeran...

New study suggests six-month-old babies can be racists

Pretty much everything is racist these days: puppets, hurricanes, regions of spacetime. But babies too? According to Kang Lee, renowned professor of psychology with the Ontario Institute of Child Study,...
Yoga to overcome insomnia

Yoga to overcome insomnia by Yogi Ashwini

We spend one-third of our life sleeping or resting. A person who is seventy, taking the average of 7-8 hours of rest daily, would...
No cash? No problem! You can use Zapper at Splashy Fen.

Splash Out with Zapper at Splashy Fen 2017

In just a few short days, thousands of passionate music lovers will flock towards Underberg, KwaZulu-Natal for the annual Splashy Fen Festival. This year’s event,...

Yoga to bring desired changes in body by Yogi Ashwini

Yog taps into the power of consciousness, which simply put, is the ability to manifest thoughts and desires. Yogis and rishis have been known...

#BeBoldforChange – Celebrating International Women’s Day

Action Aid joins the world in celebrating International Women's Day and this year they acknowledge women who are bold to make change amid societal...

A wise nation makes healthy decisions

Tuberculosis and HIV/Aids continues to be the leading cause of death in South Africa and the Western Cape. Afrika Tikkun hosted a TB Awareness...
Safety tips for the school holidays. Image: SAPS

Safety tips for the school holidays – South African Police Service

With the school holidays, you are left with many decisions and preparations to make before packing and making your way to holiday destinations. Ensuring...
Don't Let Myths behind Mobile Payments Stop You From Using Them

Zapping the Myths about Mobile Payments

Remember that period in human history when mankind had to pay for goods by bartering with pieces of meat and wild berries? Probably not....