Yoga to bring desired changes in body by Yogi Ashwini

Dhyan Foundation

Yoga to bring desired changes in body by Yogi Ashwini

Yog taps into the power of consciousness, which simply put, is the ability to manifest thoughts and desires. Yogis and rishis have been known to possess radiant, glowing and youthful bodies till the very last, and they were able to do this because of the power of consciousness. In advanced stages of Sanatan Kriya, a practitioner is able to access this consciousness and so if he wants to shape his/her body, he can do so just by sitting with eyes closed. For a beginner, however, certain asans are detailed to direct the consciousness towards body remodelling. While rapid exercises and weight training put tremendous pressure on the heart and joints, these asans work on the principle of consciousness and do not damage the body. A strong spine is a prerequisite for any practice of yog, therefore we recommmend you learn and practice the kriyas and asans for spine strengthening at a Dhyan Foundation center near you, before attempting these asans.

Start by paying reverence to the energy of the Guru and lord Ganesh. Take a few deep breaths and monitor your breath as you perform the asans. Its important that your breath rate does not shoot up at any time while performing these asans.

1. Namaskar pose – Sit with legs crossed and spine straight. Inhale as you stretch out your hands sideways, lift your hands slowly over your head and join both the palms. Hold the pose for sometime. Exhale as you slowly bring the hands down to their original position. A word of caution when lifting the hands upwards only the shoulder muscles should be used, spine should not be at play. If any pressure is put on the spine then it can result in an injury. Repeat this seven times.

2. Skanda chakra–  Sit with legs crossed and spine straight. Place the index, middle and ring fingers of each hand on the respective shoulders. Gently move both the elbows in a large circle, seven times forward and seven times backward. The breath needs to be synchronized with the movement. You inhale in half rotation and exhale in the other half.

3. Brahmcharya asan variation- Sit with legs crossed, bring the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot remains on the ground to keep a connection with the ground. Close your palms to make fists. Inhale as you lift your body above the ground with the help of the first two knuckles of your hands. Don’t come down gently but with a little thud sound. This is an advanced yogic technique used to pull up the kundalini force. Exhale as you get back to the ground with some force. Repeat this seven times.

4. Plank pose 1 -Turn your body down facing the ground with only your forearms, elbows, knees and feet touching the ground. Inhale as you lift the body off the ground using your forearms and knees. Exhale as you slowly bring your body closer to the ground. Repeat it seven times.

5. Plank pose 2 – Lie down on the ground with your abdomen, chin, feet touching the ground. Those with heart conditions can avoid this. Clench to make fists and place them on the ground. Inhale as you lift your body away from the ground with the help of your fists and feet. Lift your chin as well and balance the body on your fist and toes. Hold the posture for as long as you can then exhale and slowly come back to the initial position. Relax and breath seven times. Repeat this seven times.

6. Yaan asan– Lie on your abdomen with palms under your shoulders and chin on the floor. Inhale as you stretch your arms straight in front of you. Raise the upper torso, arms and legs simultaneously. Exhale as you get back to the initial position.  Breathe seven times and relax. Repeat this seven times.

7. Yaan variation- Lie on your abdomen with palms under your shoulders and chin on the floor. Inhale as you stretch your arms sideways. Raise the upper torso, arms and legs simultaneously. Hold the posture and allow the body to rock to and fro, can breathe normally while doing this. Relax and breathe seven times. Then repeat seven times.

8. Nauka asan -Turn and lie down in shavasan. Lift your feet and stretch your hands towards your feet while you raise your shoulders and head a little above the ground to look at your feet. Get back the initial position. Synchronize breath with movements and repeat it seven times.

Count your pulse rate, it should be normal and should not go up.


Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and an authority on the Vedic Sciences. His book, ‘Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension’ is an acclaimed thesis on anti-ageing. Log onto to for more

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