2017 tax season made easy

The 2017 tax season will open for individuals on 1 July, and SARS has released some handy tips and information to make the process...
A commitment to good governance: SABC legal success

A commitment to good governance: SABC legal success

The litigation process is a costly exercise that often invites public attention and has reputational repercussions for any organisation. Despite these risks, the SABC...
Tax season deadline looms

Tax season deadline looms

With one week left until the 2017 tax season deadline, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) has received over five million tax returns. “Non-provisional individual...

Why men and women lie about sex, and how this complicates...

When it comes to reporting the number of sex partners or how often they have sexual intercourse, men and women both lie. While men...
Why Your Website Needs Terms and Conditions

Why Your Website Needs Terms and Conditions

The digital age has significantly shifted the way we do business. The introduction of technologies like the chatbot Chat GPT and marketing tracking tools...

Grow to Fiscal Independence with a ‘Financial Father Figure’

To all the twenty- and thirty-somethings, with it being Youth Month and Father’s Day that is around the corner, what do you think about...

Yoga Clothes That Protect And Make Yoga Fun

There are many things that come to our mind when we decide to embark the self- transforming journey of yoga. But yoga clothes are...

24×7 Road Assistance across the UAE

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, -Tuesday 23 April 2019 Dial-A-Battery (DAB), a 24x7 road assistance has been providing car battery replacement, flat tire change and...
Tips To Save Up For That Dream Vacation. Image Source: pexels.com

Tips To Save Up For That Dream Vacation

Saving up for something is one of the hardest things to do; it’s almost as hard as sticking to a diet. The main problem...
choosing Massage Chairs

The Benefits Of The Massage Chairs

The massage chairs are not new to the market; however these are getting popularity in the huge abundance these days. The massage chairs are...
Lockdown travel savings for South Africans

Lockdown travel savings for South Africans

Due to movement restrictions, most South African vehicles have had little use during lockdown and this has resulted in time and money savings for...
12 Month loans - The what, The when, And the How

12 Month loans – The what, The when, And the How

What are 12-month loans?  A loan is important because it enables you to spend money on things that you would not be able to do...