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Squeezed-out Amazon smallholders seek new frontiers in Brazil’s Roraima state

Squeezed-out Amazon smallholders seek new frontiers in Brazil’s Roraima state

As infrastructure projects and soy plantations pump up land values in the Brazilian Amazon, smallholders are selling up and moving to more distant frontiers,...
Human migration to Nepal’s tiger capital adds to conservation challenges

Human migration to Nepal’s tiger capital adds to conservation challenges

Chitwan district in central Nepal is home to the eponymous national park that’s come to symbolize the country’s success in growing its tiger population.But...
Shrinking civil space and persistent logging: 2023 in review in Southeast Asia

Shrinking civil space and persistent logging: 2023 in review in Southeast...

Home to the third-largest expanse of tropical rainforest and some of the world’s fastest-growing economies, Southeast Asia has seen conservation wins and losses over...
Report links paper giant RGE to Indonesia deforestation despite pledges

Report links paper giant RGE to Indonesia deforestation despite pledges

A new investigative report alleges that the supply chain of one of the world’s largest producers of wood pulp and products, Royal Golden Eagle,...
The Facts’ is surprisingly radical

The Facts’ is surprisingly radical

If biodiversity loss is so obviously happening, then why have we failed to act and do what needs to be done? We have learned so...

In the Peruvian Amazon, the prized shihuahuaco tree faces a grim...

In line with audits carried out from 2009 to 2017 by the Agency for the Supervision of Forest Resources and Wildlife, known as...

8 Must-Have Tools and Equipment for Small Farms

Modern farm tools and equipment had taken away a lot of stress from farming, unlike before when you had to do everything manually. However,...