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Conservation news and Environmental science

The sighting of six tigers raises conservationist hopes in Thailand

The sighting of six tigers raises conservationist hopes in Thailand

“Our efforts have produced results beyond expectation,” a wildlife official says. Six tigers may not seem like all that many, yet the sighting of them...
Experts highlight importance of ‘prebunking’ to combat climate disinformation

Experts highlight importance of ‘prebunking’ to combat climate disinformation

For journalists covering climate change and other complex issues, battling disinformation is a major challenge.Disinformation experts use a method called “prebunking” to reveal deceptive...
Bearded pigs a ‘cultural keystone species’ for Borneo’s Indigenous groups: Study

Bearded pigs a ‘cultural keystone species’ for Borneo’s Indigenous groups: Study

A recent study examined the impacts of ecological and sociocultural influences on bearded pig populations in Malaysian Borneo.The researchers found that the presence of...

Addressing Waste Management in South Africa, one disposable diaper at a...

In South Africa, waste management is a critical issue that affects us all. While many communities rely on municipalities to manage waste appropriately, effectively,...
Do tiger-dense habitats also help save carbon stock? It’s complicated

Do tiger-dense habitats also help save carbon stock? It’s complicated

A new study centered on Nepal’s Chitwan National Park attempts to identify whether there’s a relationship between successful tiger conservation and habitats with high...
Otter-preneurs: Female sea otters lead the way in tool use for survival

Otter-preneurs: Female sea otters lead the way in tool use for...

In Monterey Bay, California, southern sea otters face food scarcity as their preferred prey, urchins and abalone, have declined due to climate change, overfishing...

A development project in a Bali mangrove bay gets a new...

A controversial plan...
Q&A with researcher Damber Bista

Q&A with researcher Damber Bista

Damber Bista is a Nepali conservation scientist studying the country’s population of red pandas, an endangered species.He says there needs to be much more...
Indonesian fishers mount a community-led fight against destructive fishing

Indonesian fishers mount a community-led fight against destructive fishing

In coastal communities across Indonesia, local fishers are pushing back against destructive and illegal fishing methods by organizing into volunteer patrol groups known as...