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Conservation news and Environmental science

New report highlights areas of concern in protecting our ocean inhabitants – and the need for MPA Day

New report highlights areas of concern in protecting our ocean inhabitants...

South Africa can lay claim to an incredible 41 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), valuable ocean spaces that – much like game reserves – protect...
Scientists now know how the Brumadinho dam disaster happened, and the lessons to learn

Scientists now know how the Brumadinho dam disaster happened, and the...

In 2019, the collapse of an iron-ore tailings dam in Brumadinho, southeastern Brazil, killed 272 people, flattened entire villages, and caused widespread environmental damage.Since...
Game Drive Lion Sighting at Shishangeni - by BON Hotels

World Lion Day – 10 August 2021

It’s World Lion Day! As far back as 3 million years ago, the King of the Jungle has freely roamed across the plains of...
Climate Change...who pays the bill?

Climate Change…who pays the bill?

“Next year you’ll meet and nothing will have changed. I don’t believe personally that we have passed the line or point of no return...
Fine words from the hydropower industry won’t save our last wild rivers

Fine words from the hydropower industry won’t save our last wild...

Technologies to harness the power of water are crucial for a low-emissions future, but hydropower can cause serious damage. Technologies to harness the power of...
Nile Basin farmers grow food forests to restore wetlands and bring back a turtle

Nile Basin farmers grow food forests to restore wetlands and bring...

Sugarcane is a widely grown crop in the Nile Basin, but its destructive effects on soils, water resources and biodiversity have become increasingly apparent.As...
Best birding spots

Flock to the KZN South Coast to experience some of the...

With people cooped up the past few months, forced to slow it down and take in the surroundings, bird watching has taken flight as...
Riverine communities join forces to preserve threatened Amazon turtles

Riverine communities join forces to preserve threatened Amazon turtles

Residents of 32 communities in Juruti, western Pará state, organize to preserve species such as the Amazon turtle (Podocnemis expansa), tracajá (P. unifilis), pitiú...
Crocworld Frogging Evening

Don’t miss out on the final Crocworld Frogging Evening in December

The popular Crocworld Conservation Centre Frogging Evenings have returned with the final 2021 event planned for Friday, 10 December at 6.30pm. This educational excursion...
Harnessing the power of African native trees for climate action and food security

Harnessing the power of African native trees for climate action and...

Seeds are a critical first step in climate action, bolstering local livelihoods, enhancing food security, and preserving biocultural diversity. The just-launched ‘Right Tree, Right...
Prominent manufacturers lead the way on sustainability

Prominent manufacturers lead the way on sustainability

There are many benefits to reap by adopting these practices, and the manufacturing sector is reaping them. Sustainability has been a pressing issue for decades...
Ecological overshoot is a ‘behavioral crisis’ & marketing is a solution: Study

Ecological overshoot is a ‘behavioral crisis’ & marketing is a solution:...

Mike DiGirolamo Article by: Mike DiGirolamo This story first appeared on Mongabay South Africa Today - Environment This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0...