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Conservation news and Environmental science

Q&A with reforestation and land restoration visionary Tony Rinaudo

Q&A with reforestation and land restoration visionary Tony Rinaudo

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a community-led approach to naturally restoring degraded landscapes and ecosystems, and it’s credited with reforesting many millions of...
It’s time to center African people in the conservation agenda (commentary)

It’s time to center African people in the conservation agenda (commentary)

The African Protected Areas Congress was launched to position African protected and conserved areas within the broader goals of economic development and community well...
In revising its criminal code, Indonesia risks unraveling environmental laws

In revising its criminal code, Indonesia risks unraveling environmental laws

Indonesia’s plan to revise its outdated criminal code could lead to a systematic weakening of existing environmental laws, experts warn.The latest draft of the...
Whole Earth Organic Farm

Whole Earth Organic Farm helps you save the planet (and enrich...

Johannesburg, 13 September 2022: This month, in an effort to divert as much waste from landfill as possible and to encourage sustainable lifestyle habits,...

Crocworld celebrates 10 years of frog conservation with September talk

The value of amphibians to the ecosystem is massive, playing a vital role as both predators and prey in the food chain. Despite this,...
Palm oil firms not acting fast enough on no-deforestation vows: Report

Palm oil firms not acting fast enough on no-deforestation vows: Report

Only 22% of companies sourcing or producing palm oil in Indonesia have public and comprehensive no-deforestation policies, a new report by London-based nonprofit CDP...