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Conservation news and Environmental science

‘Extinct’ snails return to Tahiti in largest wildlife reintroduction ever

‘Extinct’ snails return to Tahiti in largest wildlife reintroduction ever

In April, conservation experts reintroduced more than 5,500 Partula snails to the French Polynesian islands of Moorea and Tahiti.About 30 years earlier, these endemic...
Sri Lanka wildlife conflict deepens as death toll rises

Sri Lanka wildlife conflict deepens as death toll rises

Sri Lanka recorded at least one elephant death a day in the first quarter of 2023, nearly half of them due to human causes,...
Congo Basin communities left out by ‘fortress conservation’ fight for a way back in

Congo Basin communities left out by ‘fortress conservation’ fight for a...

Since the colonization of the Congo Basin by Europeans, many Indigenous communities have been cordoned off from land they once relied on in the...
The map that went viral. Sukhmani Mantel

What we learned when our map of southern Africa’s rivers went...

Can you name the river closest to where you live? Have you ever seen that river on a map? How would you react if...
Landmark Nepal court ruling ends impunity for wealthy wildlife collectors

Landmark Nepal court ruling ends impunity for wealthy wildlife collectors

Wildlife collectors in Nepal will have to declare their collections to the government, under a landmark ruling spurred by the perceived injustice of the...

Short film celebrates community forest titles in DRC

In 2018, the...
Warfare for wildlife: Q&A with Rosaleen Duffy

Warfare for wildlife: Q&A with Rosaleen Duffy

Rosaleen Duffy is a professor of international politics at Sheffield University in the U.K. and a longtime critic of military and law enforcement tactics...
Left to right. Karen Otieno, Nsikak Ben and Emem Umoh–representatives from GLFx chapters in Kenya and Nigeria–dressed in their traditional attires during the cultural celebration at the GLFx Africa Chapter Summit. Photo: The Global Landscapes Forum.

African practitioners set common ground for their restoration projects

At the GLFx Africa Chapter Summit, restoration practitioners, community leaders and scientists from nine African countries discussed challenges, priorities and the help they need...

Nepal, in a bid to create a new rhino population, pauses...

Efforts to establish...