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Conservation news and Environmental science

Tien Hai Nature Reserve latest battleground in Vietnam’s push for development

Tien Hai Nature Reserve latest battleground in Vietnam’s push for development

In April, the government of Vietnam’s Thai Binh province quietly issued a decision to remove protection from 90% of Tien Hai Nature Reserve, which...
Boreal and temperate forests have overtaken tropical ones as the main carbon sinks

Boreal and temperate forests have overtaken tropical ones as the main...

Tropical forests, although older, have been extensively reduced by deforestation, forest fires and droughts. Tropical forests, or what is left of them, are important carbon...
Indonesia reports a new Javan rhino calf, but population doubts persist

Indonesia reports a new Javan rhino calf, but population doubts persist

Indonesian officials have reported the sighting of a new Javan rhino calf in Ujung Kulon National Park, home to the last surviving population of...
A walk through the SPAR maze which will illustrate alternative uses for plastic will be one of the options on offer for festival-goers at the SPAR Kirkwood Wildsfees from June 28 to 30. Photo: Ed Richardson

Take a walk on the ‘waste’ side at SPAR Wildsfees maze

SPAR Eastern Cape will continue to raise awareness of its STOP Plastic campaign with an innovative introduction to the SPAR Kirkwood Wildsfees in the...
Despite severe drought, Amazon deforestation continues to slow

Despite severe drought, Amazon deforestation continues to slow

Despite a severe drought, deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon is still on the decline, according to data released today Brazil’s national space research institute...
4 Activities to Help Spark a Love for Nature in Your Kids

4 Activities to Help Spark a Love for Nature in Your...

Spending time in natural surroundings offers plenty of benefits to children. Aside from serving as an avenue for teaching little ones all about the...
Is there a future for zoos?

Is there a future for zoos?

This is the zoo news: Noor Jehan, an African elephant, died in a Pakistan zoo after she fell into a pond. A critically endangered...
The journey towards a sustainable future

The journey towards a sustainable future

On this article, we are proud to introduce you to an entrepreneur striving to be the change and good of our global environment and...
Malaysian logger Samling’s track record leaves Indigenous Sarawak questioning its plans

Malaysian logger Samling’s track record leaves Indigenous Sarawak questioning its plans

Danielle Keeton-Olsen Article by: Danielle Keeton-Olsen This story first appeared on Mongabay South Africa Today - Environment This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0...