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The Global Landscapes Forum


Transforming food systems in crises: How Africa can build a resilient food future   Learn more at GLF Africa on 15 September 2022  Bonn, Germany (8...
How ‘green’ is your chocolate? Cooking up sustainable value chains in West Africa

How ‘green’ is your chocolate? Cooking up sustainable value chains in...

If you’ve eaten chocolate recently, chances are it came from Côte d’Ivoire or Ghana, the world’s two largest cocoa exporters. But demand for the...
New tech aims to track carbon in every tree, boost carbon market integrity

New tech aims to track carbon in every tree, boost carbon...

Climate scientists and data engineers have developed a new digital platform billed as the first-ever global tool for accurately calculating the carbon stored in...
Harpy eagle’s return to Costa Rica means rewilding’s time has come (commentary)

Harpy eagle’s return to Costa Rica means rewilding’s time has come...

An adult harpy eagle was recently photographed in northern Costa Rica, which made national headlines and waves on social media.Most believed these gigantic eagles...
The terrestrial insects of Brazil are in decline

The terrestrial insects of Brazil are in decline

New research from Brazil shows terrestrial insects there are declining both in abundance and diversity, while aquatic insects are largely staying steady.Given a dearth...
Community study sheds light on wild cat killings in Brazil’s central Amazon

Community study sheds light on wild cat killings in Brazil’s central...

Alongside other threats such as deforestation, poaching places wild felids in the Amazon at risk.A long-running community-based monitoring program in Brazil’s central Amazonia region...

Top forestry official out in Malaysia

According to press...