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Conservation news and Environmental science

U.S. auctions off endangered whale habitat for oil and gas drilling

U.S. auctions off endangered whale habitat for oil and gas drilling

On Dec. 20, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) held a lease sale to auction off oil and...
Plants, too, have their circadian rhythms, which can help farmers

Plants, too, have their circadian rhythms, which can help farmers

Some plants are early birds while others are more like late risers. Some people are early birds, going to bed early and rising with the...
Shrinking civil space and persistent logging: 2023 in review in Southeast Asia

Shrinking civil space and persistent logging: 2023 in review in Southeast...

Home to the third-largest expanse of tropical rainforest and some of the world’s fastest-growing economies, Southeast Asia has seen conservation wins and losses over...
Ice is melting faster than ever around the planet

Ice is melting faster than ever around the planet

As much as 28 trillion tons of ice was lost to warming weather between 1994 and 2017. Earth has been losing vast quantities of ice...
As Sri Lanka floods swell with climate change, so does human-crocodile conflict

As Sri Lanka floods swell with climate change, so does human-crocodile...

Sri Lanka is among the countries most vulnerable to climate change, with long drought spells, receiving intense rain during a shorter period with a...
Europe’s forests are under threat from a changing climate

Europe’s forests are under threat from a changing climate

As much as 33.4 billion tons of forest biomass could be badly affected by a changing climate. Much of Europe experiences prolonged droughts and devastating...
Leveraging the hypothetical: The uncertain world of carbon credit calculations

Leveraging the hypothetical: The uncertain world of carbon credit calculations

Criticisms of the voluntary carbon trade and forest conservation strategies like REDD+ have centered largely on the carbon accounting methods used to calculate credits.Each...
Creating blue spaces in cities can boost our wellbeing

Creating blue spaces in cities can boost our wellbeing

People living near water have a lower risk of premature death and obesity and higher rates of mental wellbeing. We know that people are more likely to experience...
Carbon catch and release: Study finds bottom trawlers stir up seabed CO2

Carbon catch and release: Study finds bottom trawlers stir up seabed...

New research suggests that bottom trawling stirs up large amounts of carbon from the seabed and releases 55-60% of this carbon into the atmosphere...
The US’s coral reefs save billions of dollars in flood damage

The US’s coral reefs save billions of dollars in flood damage

Coral reefs perform vital roles in protecting coastlines from erosion, floods and storms. Coral reefs, dubbed the rainforests of the oceans, are among the most...
Climate change made 2023 Amazon drought 30 times more likely, scientists say

Climate change made 2023 Amazon drought 30 times more likely, scientists...

A new report from World Weather Attribution (WWA) estimates that climate change increased the likelihood of the 2023 Amazon drought by a factor of...
Africa’s rainforests can endure more heat and drought… up to a point

Africa’s rainforests can endure more heat and drought… up to a...

African rainforests continued to function as a carbon sink even in the face of adverse climatic conditions. Tropical rainforests in Africa experienced extended spells of...