Russian Investigative Committee Opens Probe Against Navalny Allies for 'Extremist' Fundraising

Russian Investigative Committee Opens Probe Against Navalny Allies for 'Extremist' Fundraising

“A criminal case was initiated against Leonid Volkov, Ivan Zhdanov and other persons. They are suspected of committing the crime ‘Raising funds and providing financial services, knowingly intended to finance an extremist organisation’,” Petrenko said.

Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation and the Foundation for the Protection of Citizens’ Rights were recognized as extremist, and extremist activities of Navalny’s regional campaign offices were banned following a court ruling, the spokeswoman recalled. Despite this, earlier in August, a video emerged online, featuring Volkov and Zhdanov who “announced the continuation of their illegal activities and organized a fundraiser, urging an unlimited number of people to support Navalny’s campaign offices and donate funds,” Petrenko continued.

In addition, according to Petrenko, Volkov and Zhdanov described methods of transferring money and cryptocurrency “in conditions of secrecy and anonymity.”

Sputnik / Igor Kataev

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