Face Verification Powering Enhanced Security through Smarter Technologies

Face Verification Powering Enhanced Security through Smarter Technologies

Facial recognition technology is booming with its efficient and robust identity verification feature. One who used to wait for hours at various security checks within an organisation of checkpoints in airports, now just need to show face in the camera and it’s done.

This conveniency is leveraged by various industries serving security purposes in seconds. Many tech companies are upgrading the technologies and algorithms used in the facial recognition systems by partnering with government bodies and testing and training models for accurate APIs. 

The world is moving at a high pace while competing in others with respect to technology adoption. Hundreds of companies are praising facial recognition technology to increase security in institutions and online platforms.

Online Facial Recognition technology is most adaptable as it verifies each on boarding customer online within seconds by providing a seamless user experience and security simultaneously. GooglePay has introduced its facial recognition feature for secure digital payments.

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No customers just need to verify face, authenticate their account before performing any online transactions. This helps reduce the risks fo fraudulent money transfers and provides an additional layer of security over user financial accounts.

Facial Recognition – Powering Enhanced security

A seamless customer experience with facial recognition technology helps online businesses verify customers within seconds. At the time of account registration, identity is verified through face verification.

After authentication, whenever users login to the accounts, face verification will be performed to make sure that real identity is accessing its account and is not the attempt of any fraudulent entity.

How facial recognition works?

Facial recognition technology captures the unique facial features of humans. These features are mapped and stored in the database in the form of a mathematical formula. When users log in to the account, the facial features are recaptured in real-time, mapped and checked against the stored information. If both match with high accuracy and precision rate, identity is verified. 

In this whole process, several verification checks are performed. These checks correspond to the verification of a real identity using the right way of authenticating face. With logical algorithms of liveness detection and spoofing detection, the uploaded image is checked.

Spoofing elements are detected in the picture to identify if some photoshopped or tampering is there or not. Secondly, liveness detection is done that helps identify individuals present at the time of verification. Fraudsters often use printed and static images to fool facial recognition software.

To combat these, advanced algorithms are used in technology to capture the fake attempts of scammers. In addition to this, liveness detection involves identifying minor facial movements like the blinking of an eye, etc. to ensure the presence of the user.

Facial Recognition going Mainstream

Enterprises are aiming for improved accuracy and precision rates of facial recognition technology. At an industrial level, for staff management to patients record identification, customer on boarding in airports to the police investigation and surveillance purposes, facial identification is leveraged. 

With additional features in their technology to eliminate fake identities, liveness detection, and 3D masking technologies are used to identify fake attempts on online users to fool the face identification system. The increasing adoption rate among industries is due to streamlined face verification online. 

The Biometric Security System ensures online security that is the major concern of online businesses. Without compromising the user experience, in real-time an identity is verified.

Hence, authorised access to user accounts with the help of facial identification online, deters the risks of identity theft, data breaches, account takeover, and online payment scams. Smarter algorithms and underlying technologies are contributing to enhanced online security and seamless on boarding experience.