SAPS urges vigilance as holiday season unfolds

SAPS urges vigilance as holiday season unfolds
SAPS urges vigilance as holiday season unfolds

As the calendar year draws to a close, ushering in the festive season period, SAPS in the Western Cape in line with the Safer Festive Season Operational Plan would like all inhabitants, shoppers and holiday makers to remain vigilant at all times in the interest of their safety.

Courier and delivery vehicles:

Through SAPS crime analysis, a spike in robbery of courier and delivery vehicles has been observed.

While interventions have been put in place, a plea is henceforth made for courier and delivery companies to exercise caution when making deliveries.

Card fraud:

Card users embarking on point of sale and online shopping experiences must exercise extreme caution when transacting.

ATM users must decline help from strangers, and must not be distracted during their transaction.

When making a transaction at retail stores and establishments your card must not leave your sight.

Stokvel / Savings clubs:

It is discouraged that dividends are paid out in cash.

Members of the public are cautioned against carrying large sums of cash.

Visits to clubs and other entertainment establishments:

Patrons are advised to visit reputable establishments.

Once they are inside they need to be mindful of the contents of what they consume.

Always alert people close to you about your whereabouts.

Visits to tourist attractions:

While SAPS and others in law enforcement agencies have bolstered deployments at tourist destinations, visitors are advised to adhere to safety precautions.

Since the launch of the Safer Festive Season programme on 13 October 2023, the SAPS together with other law enforcement agencies embarked on targeted operations, vehicle checkpoints, raids, foot patrols, search and seizures, road blocks and other crime fighting initiatives in a bid to ensure that all inhabitants and visitors are and feel safe.

Members of the public are encouraged to report any suspicious activity or crime to the SAPS emergency number 10111 or 112 from a mobile phone. Alternatively, tipsters may call Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

SAPS Newsroom