Clickety-click choo choo here comes the gravy train

Front National

Clickety-click choo choo here comes the gravy train
Clickety-click choo choo here comes the gravy train - Image - Creative Commons License

And the Democratic Alliance (DA) mayor gets on, no doubt.

It has just emerged that Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lile, has embarked on five overseas trips this year at the expense of the Cape’s ratepayers. A whopping 2.2 million rand is the cost for the trips undertaken by the mayor, while thousands of people in Cape Town battle the long icy, wet winters in shacks.

It is not that de Lile is a minister or prominent politician she is a mayor.

Given half a chance, just as soon as the other two newly elected metro mayors settle in, the chaos will start.

Read the original article by Daniel Lötter in Afrikaans on Front Nasionaal SA – blad

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCEFront National