We as proud South Africans have come to just accept the crime that …

Dear Oscar Pistorius – The fear you described that you felt, as a fellow South African, I can completely identify with. We as proud South Africans have come to just accept the crime that happens here everyday, without blinking an eye until it touches “your space or the people you love”.

We have had 1 break in, fortunately no one was home and only material things taken, but the violation of our private space I could not handle.

Since that day we have had 2 more attempted break ins and 1 where I had a man in my home. I was alone with my 8 month old granddaughter at the time. Fortunately for us, I could see him standing inside. He had just managed to squeeze through the security gate. I was in another section of the house so he couldn’t see me but I could see him standing in our bar area and my only defence was to scream as loudly as I could for him to get out. The absolute fear that hit me when I saw that man standing inside my home was indescribable! I will remember the fear and the feeling of helplessness for the rest of my life. I can only thank God for His protection that day. Adrenalin just kicked in and all I could think of was to protect my granddaughter. I try not to relive or think about that day but when my husband is away or I am alone at home, I am quite freaked out!