Warning issued: Farm attacks to escalate as EFF tries to shift media focus

Oorgrens veiligheid

Warning issued: Farm attacks to escalate as EFF tries to shift media focus
Warning issued: Farm attacks to escalate as EFF tries to shift media focus

There is an urgent warning to all people living in rural areas and farmers to be extra vigilant and very aware over the next week, especially from Friday 11, through to Sunday 13 September 2020.

The latest media coverage and massive protests against farm attacks and farm murders in South Africa, both locally and internationally, has drawn a lot of attention.

This has resulted in the focus of attacks over the past weekend being shifted more towards the farm workers. This coupled with the current EFF ‘smokescreen’ protest against the Clicks group, which is among other things, intended to draw attention away from this coverage and create another racial issue that the liberal mainstream media will latch onto in a flash.

Oorgrens veiligheid, who keep a stringent record of these attacks, said that it is important to note that since the EFF started with their violent and destructive protests, farm attacks have suddenly gone quite, with not one attack occurring in the last 36 hours as at the late afternoon of 8 September 2020.

Oorgrens veiligheid has issued a strong warning to all communities to be extra vigilant and prepared “This could be the ‘calm before the storm”.

During the launch of Ernst Roets’s book, ‘Kill The Boer’, in June 2018, Roets played a recording in which a member of the 28 prison gang alleges that Julius Malema, EFF leader, went to see them in jail to talk about farm murders. Roets also told of his own experience when a convicted farm murderer told him that he was a member of the ANC military wing, uMkhonto we Sizwe, and that the ANC gave him an order to murder a farmer.

In the book it is argued that the South African government is complicit in the crisis of farm murders. Ten reasons are supplied for this allegation. Various incidents of political incitement to farm murders, as well as farm murders where political or racial motives clearly played a role, is stated in the book.

Be prepared and do not go outside!

The year so far:

August 2020- 52 farm attacks and 9 farm murders.
July 2020- 55 farm attacks, 9 farm murders.
June 2020- 56 farm attacks and 7 farm murders.
May 2020- 15 farm attacks and 4 farm murders.
April 2020- 17 farm attacks and 1 farm murder.
March 2020- 35 farm attacks and 6 farm murders.
February 2020- 31 farm attacks and 8 farm murders.
January 2020- 17 farm attacks.

Read about more farm attacks here

Information supplied by Oorgrens veiligheid

Farm attack statistics supplied by The Rome Research Institute of South Africa

South Africa Today – South Africa News

Read – ‘Bending the knee’ to the communist terrorists in South Africa

Read – Book: ‘Kill the Boer’, brutal reality of farm attacks, government complicity

SOURCEOorgrens veiligheid