South Africa: Ericsson fires victim of violent black crime for K-word

Time to fire Ericsson! A female sub-contractor for the company used the dreaded “kaffir” word on her Facebook page, after she was involved in a hit and run with a taxi, and has been fired for her comment.

Yes, the thought police has arrived, watching your every word you type in the hopes they can ride the moral high road in the public eye and win some brownie points with their fellow high moralists!

In case those in the outer world don’t know, taxi’s in South Africa are usually mini-buses which are mostly used to transport Blacks in South Africa. They are nearly always over-loaded, almost never road-worthy, and more times than not driven by raving lunatics who have zero regard for the rules of the road or other road users. They’re known as kaffir-taxis for a reason…