South Africa – Constitutional amendment on land legalises theft

Media Release - Herstigte Nasionale Party

South Africa – Constitutional amendment on land legalises theft
South Africa - Constitutional amendment on land legalises theft

The decision made by the ANC parliament today on the “redistribution of land without compensation” now constitutionally legalises theft in South Africa.

The HNP and the Boer Afrikaner Volksraad have already stated on February 27, 2017 that “when a state or nation allocates another people’s territory to itself, it necessarily leads to war.” This “legalisation” of land theft by parliament is nothing but a declaration of war against the legal owners of South Africa.

The lie is continually proclaimed that “the land should be returned to its rightful owners”. The decision now taken is to steal the land of its legal owners. The legal owners have not taken the decision to give away their property. The decision was taken on the basis of verbal incitement and threats by landless people at public gatherings, where they claimed the property of the legal owners.

The Boer Afrikaner nation has rightfully acquired the territory he owns. The facts about this have been researched several times in the well documented history of land settlement and land ownership in South Africa, and can easily be checked.

The evidence that South Africa historically and legitimately belongs to the Afrikaner (the White Man) was already submitted to the International Court in The Hague on 18 July 1966 during the South West African court case. Based on this evidence, the court’s verdict was in favour of South Africa.

We reaffirm (as stated in our submission to the Parliamentary Review Committee):

  1. The Boer Afrikaner people stole no one’s land. The territory we own is legally and on an internationally acquired way obtained, and assigned to us by God as an inheritance to defend and preserve. We may and will not give up and allow ourselves to be degraded to landless squatters in South Africa.
  2. Crime cannot be legitimised by adopting laws in parliament to “legalise” it. Therefore, this amendment to the constitution that expropriation of our land, or any other property without compensation, is deemed to be “legalisation” of theft of our property. We will not recognise it as legitimate legislation and regard it as an act of hostility against the white people.

The decision by parliament will hold huge economic repercussions for South Africa. There is no way that the ANC leaders can justify this decision to convince a reasonable person that theft can be legalised. It will inevitably deter investors and lead to serious adverse consequences for all the inhabitants of South Africa.

LJ van der Schyff

Boer Afrikaner Volksraad on land expropriation – Video