Headless body found lying in the street, Mooinooi

South African Police Service

Headless body found lying in the street, Mooinooi
Headless body found lying in the street, Mooinooi

The police in Mooinooi request members of the community to assist in identifying the body of a man estimated to be in his thirties.

The headless body was found lying in the street on Thursday, 29 March 2018 in Mooinooi. He was found wearing a brown t-shirt, blue jersey, black pair of jeans and a brown waist belt.

The police request anyone with information that may lead to identification of the body or locating the family of the deceased to call Detective Sergeant Sello on 079 357 4633 or Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCESouth African Police Service