Brits neighbourhood watch and security firms arrest suspect


Brits neighbourhood watch and security firms arrest suspect
Brits neighbourhood watch and security firms arrest suspect

The AfriForum neighbourhood watch in Brits apprehended suspects at around 19:00 on 24 June in cooperation with Monitor Net Response and PPS Monitoring en Reaksie. Members of the neighbourhood watch observed an abandoned vehicle next to a dirt road outside the town. They approached the vehicle and came across suspect people close to the vehicle.

The suspects were confronted with the support of Monitor Net and PPS, after which the SAPS was contacted, since drugs and ammunition had been found. One of the suspects was arrested and a case opened so that the incident could be investigated further.

“AfriForum’s Brits neighbourhood watch focuses on curbing crime and we are therefore grateful that the suspects were apprehended. The incident once again emphasises the importance of cooperation and proactive behaviour in curbing crime. Our success would have been impossible if it weren’t for the neighbourhood watch dedication and the support of the security firms,” says Thys van Heerden, Chairperson for Safety of AfriForum’s Brits branch.

“The dedication of AfriForum’s Brits neighbourhood watch is heartening and an exceptional example of a community that accepts responsibility for their own safety. This successful operation is one of many that have been achieved by the proactive actions of the neighbourhood watch. Thank you to every neighbourhood watch member for their hard work and their contribution to a safer community. It is of the utmost importance that other communities organise themselves into safety structures to improve their defensibility,” says Petrus Coetzee, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for Marico.

AfriForum wants to make a greater difference in Brits in terms of safety and community projects. We encourage residents to join AfriForum’s Brits branch and neighbourhood watch still today. Contact Van Heerden at 084 515 3978 or 067 395 6307. You can also SMS “Brits” to 45344 (R1 per SMS).

Read the original article in Afrikaans on AfriForum