Man covered in blanket and petrol poured over him during farm attack

Man covered in  blanket and petrol poured over him during farm attack

Lourens and Esther Wolmarans, were attacked and brutally assaulted by black attackers armed with a gun, a knife, a knobkierie and petrol in their home in Geluksburg, near Bergville on May 27, 2015.

According to Lourens, Esther was at their home in near darkness due to load shedding when two men broke in and attacked her just after 17:00.

The two men assaulted Esther before dragging her to the bedroom and tying her up. They then hid behind furniture, waiting for Lourens to return home from work.

Lourens said when he got home, everything was in darkness.

As soon as he entered, the two men leaped up from behind the furniture and hit him with a knobkierie on the head.

The three broke out into a heated fight, with Lourens “fighting for his life”.

“I got one by the throat and hit him,” Lourens said.

“They had a gun, a knife, a knobkierie and petrol.”

The men covered Lourens in a blanket and poured petrol over him, threatening to set him alight.

According to Lourens, one of the men kept telling the other to shoot him in the knee.

“They were demanding firearms. I think the one guy was scared he would shoot his accomplice instead of me during the tussle. Luckily he did not fire,” Lourens said.

During the tussle, Esther managed to free herself and began to scream, scaring off the assailants who fled on foot.

Lourens said his glasses had ­broken during the fight and he battled to find his car keys in the darkness, which allowed the men to escape.

The men made off with R200 in cash, leaving Lourens with a gash to the head and Esther with “scrapes and bruises”.

Source – News24

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