Woman strangles her baby and dumps him in pit toilet

Woman strangles her baby and dumps him in pit toilet
Woman strangles her baby and dumps him in pit toilet

A 21 year old woman is due to appear in the Maphumulo Magistrates’ Court on 27 September 2017, for murder.

It is alleged that on 25 September 2017, at Ntombiyehlulunina, Maphumulo, a 21 year old woman, strangled her eleven months old baby boy and disposed of his body in a pit toilet.

She then told her family that the child is missing and the police were immediately contacted.

The detective member who was summoned to the scene conducted the initial investigation. Through thorough investigations conducted at the scene, it was established that something does not add up. It was during questioning when she admitted that she strangled her son and put his body in pit toilet after an argument with her boyfriend.

She was then placed under arrest and a case of murder was opened at Maphumulo SAPS.

The Acting Provincial Commissioner, Major General Bheki Langa praised the detective member for making sure that suspect is locked behind the bars. “It is outrageous to hear that the mother is capable of killing her own child. We hope that justice will be served and get a harsher sentence,” he said.

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCESouth African Police Service