Taxi ploughs into warehouse


Taxi ploughs into warehouse
Taxi ploughs into warehouse

Six people sustained moderate injuries when a taxi ploughed into a warehouse on Umdoni Crescent and corner Monte Carlo street in Westmead, Pinetown.

Reports from the scene indicate that the taxi that was ferrying six passengers at the time, collided with a stationery bakkie, rolled down an embankment before coming to a halt at a warehouse.

The taxi caused major structural damage to the warehouse.

When paramedics arrived on scene, they found that the workers from the warehouse had already assisted in removing the patients from the wreckage.

Paramedics stabilised all six on scene before transporting them to a nearby hospital for further medical care.

Netcare911 paramedics worked alongside various services on scene.

This accident happened on 7 February at 07:45.

South Africa Today – South Africa News
