Hammer gang strikes at Hillcrest mall

Blue Security

Hammer gang strikes at Hillcrest mall

A mall hammer gang has struck again, this time smashing their way into a jewellery store in Hillcrest on Sunday night.

Blue Security media and community liaison officer Andreas Mathios said a gang of three robbers had entered a shopping mall in Old Main Road and reportedly used a hammer to smash open the door of a jewellery shop. The incident occurred at around 7.30pm.

“The gang fled the scene with an undisclosed amount of jewellery in a white Toyota Corolla with no registration plates,” Mathios said.

Mathios said it was unclear whether the incident was linked to the spate of mall robberies across the city in recent weeks.

Hillcrest SAPS attended the scene of the crime and are investigating the incident.

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SOURCEBlue Security