Former SAPS captain sentenced to 15 years behind bars

Alpha Alarms

Former SAPS captain sentenced to 15 years behind bars
Former SAPS captain sentenced to 15 years behind bars - Image Alpha Alarms

Yesterday, Durban Regional Court convicted and sentenced the former police Captain, Larry Heslop, 45, to a total of 15 years imprisonment. This follows his criminal activities that he committed in January and September 2015 where he shot and injured the victim during an argument. On 6 September 2015, the accused was involved in an argument where he shot and injured a 40-year-old victim at the service station in Wentworth. He fled the scene and evaded police for months.

Heslop was later arrested following investigators’ perseverance to solve the case. He was found in possession of an unlicensed firearm with live rounds of ammunition during the arrest. He was then charged for firearm possession and attempted murder. During the trial, an internal investigation was conducted which led to his dismissal from the SAPS. He was convicted and sentenced to 10 years for attempted murder and five years’ imprisonment for firearm possession.

The KwaZulu-Natal Acting Provincial Commissioner, Major General Bhekinkosi Langa praised the investigating officers for their diligence in securing the conviction. “The accused proved that he did not belong to the SAPS by committing criminal activities and fleeing after the incident. He should have been an example since he was part of the SAPS management but he proved to be worse than his juniors. Such police officers cannot be kept within the service and they deserve to be expelled,” he said.

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCEAlpha Alarms