International IQ survey, South Africa: Borderline deficient

Opinion by Front National SA

A recent international survey of the average Intelligence Quotient of the population of 110 countries, put South Africa in 95th position!

According to this survey the average IQ of the population of this country is 70.

To understand the implication of this we need to understand that the generally accepted breakdown of IQ is as follows:

140 – 145 : Genius. Only 1 out of 400 people score this high
120-140 : Very superior
110-119 : superior intellect
90-109: normal
80-89 : Dullness in though
70-79 : Borderline mentally deficient
Under 70 : Feeble minded.

The highest score is shared by Hong Kong and Singapore with an average of 108. The Netherlands scores the highest of Western countries with an average of 102 while the USA takes 27th position with an average of 98. The lowest scoring country is Equatorial Guinea with 56.

The fact that South Africa reflects a general population which can be regarded as borderline mentally deficient, tells us something about our education system, the lack of intellectual stimulation due to cultural barriers in the early years of childhood development and shows red flags about the intelligent understand of problems and solutions with the general population.

And by general population we mean those who vote for governments and land in executive positions based on their skin colour.

Front National maintains that it is a human rights violation to expect of the minority groups in this country to subject themselves to a state of multicultural unity where the vast majority of the population will always elect a government serving the needs of the majority.

Self determination as a fundamental human right MUST be recognised. There is no other way to ensure peaceful co-existence.

Read the original article on Front Nasionaal SA

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCEFront National SA