Nigerians arrested in Sandton for running drug lab

South African Police (SAPS)

Nigerians arrested in Sandton for running drug lab
South African police. Photo South Africa Today.

The members of the Organised Crime in Pretoria have dismantled a clandestine drug laboratory in Dukathole, Sandton on Thursday.

Two Nigerian nationals, aged 32 and 39, were arrested at the scene and will appear before the Randburg Magistrate’s Court on Friday. The value of the drug is estimated to be R100 000-00.

In KwaZulu-Natal the Organised Crime members in Pietermaritzburg discovered a hydroponic lab valued at R1.2 million in Peaken Farm, Merrivale. One suspect was arrested for cultivating dagga and will appear before the Pietermaritzburg Magaistrate’s Court on Monday next week.

The National Head of the Hawks Lieutenant General Mthandazo Ntlemeza said the Hawks across the country had scored major victories against the drug syndicates and were not letting up.

South Africa Today – South Africa News


SOURCESouth African Police (SAPS)