Farm attack: Berserk attacker stabs female worker, then stabs farmer, Kroonstad

Crime Correspondent

Farm attack: Berserk attacker stabs female worker, then stabs farmer, Kroonstad
Farm attack: Berserk attacker fatally stabs female worker, then stabs farmer, Kroonstad

A well known farmer from Kroonstad, Sarel Wessels, not only had to flee for his life when a drug crazed bezerk attacker stormed him with two big knifes and a panga but he had to treat his own wounds after a local hospital refused to treat the farmer who is after all a citizen and employer. But apparently “our people” at the hospital were afraid of the CCP-virus so he had to make do without hospital treatment.

Mr Wessels is also afraid that the attacker, a black male, will come back to harm him or his workers after the attacker told Mr Wessels that he will see him again.

Me Wessels says he can still see the shiny blades coming for him when he closes his eyes. The incident began on Wednesday morning 9 September 2020, when workers of Mr Wessels phoned him to say an unknown black male stabbed a woman, a worker, in the neck on the farm and left her for dead.

Mr Wessels told the media he rushed home because he was away from the farm and he saw the suspect on the tar road to Welkom. Mr Wessels said he stopped by the suspect and told him in Sotho to put down the knifes. The suspect then stormed Mr Wessels with two knifes in one hand and a panga in the other hand – after telling him ” f**k you white man”.

As an aside, what is with with all the swearing from “our people”, using the F word towards whites during the last few days? The EFF also did the same when they taunted and harassed white people at shopping malls the last couple of days.

But this deeply racist behaviour is ignored by our liberal media and as always they accommodate the goons with wall to wall coverage, exactly what the EFF wants. Why? Because the perpetrators are black and blacks are special?
The attacker succeeded to stab Mr Wessels in his forearm, elbow and side with the same knife he previously stabbed the woman (who is HIV positive it turned out later).

That is when Mr Wessels said he ran for his life and locked himself in his bakkie and phoned for help. He said the wounds bleed a lot and the whole interior of the bakkie was smeared with blood. The suspect was arrested when the Police and farm workers arrived on the scene.
Mr Wessels seeked help from a local hospital and was sent away because workers were afraid he had COVID-19.
He treated his own wounds and injected himself against tetanus.

His workers don’t know the suspect and the suspect told Mr Wessels he will be back when the Police took him.
This is how farmers and their workers have to live these days in the “rainbow” nation.

Read about more farm attacks here

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCECrime Correspondent