Free State MEC, Mathabo Leeto: ‘White South Africans are rapists’

Opinion by Front National SA

Free State MEC, Mathabo Leeto: ‘White South Africans are rapists’
Free State MEC, Mathabo Leeto: 'White South Africans are rapists'. Photo: FNSA

“White South Africans are rapists”. That is a statement made over the weekend by the Free State MEC for Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation, Mathabo Leeto. In addition to this blatantly racist and offensive stereotypical remark, she added that the graves of white men should be dug up so that their remains can account for their deeds.

I have asked the opinion of the first 10 white men I saw today and yesterday. Anger was the first reaction, followed by: “They have nothing more to blame us for, so they fall back on slogans and rethoric.”

Exactly as is the case with the liberals over the weekend making use of the controversial claims in a new book “The lost boys of Bird Island” claiming that National Party ministers sexually abused boys, Leeto is now making irresponsible and indefensible claims to portray white South Africans as subhuman barbarians.

Front National regards this as a very transparent attempt to divert attention from the real issue we are dealing with: That the black majority government is running the country and everybody in it straight into the ground.

If a white politician stated: “Blacks are murderers”, there would have been hell to pay this morning. Which just shows again the double standards of reverse racism which we are dealing with in this country every single day.

Leeto’s statement is preposterous and we would like to remind her why:

1) South Africa is known as the “rape capital” of the world with 124 526 rapes reported over the last three years. It is calculated that 3 out of 4 rapes are never even reported. In fact, some sources reckon that 147 rapes occur every day. Now how about this: The highest rate of reported rapes is to be found in Khayelitsha on the Cape Flats.
MEC Leeto: Exactly how many white people live in Khayelitsha?

2) The highest rape figures are to be found in the Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga. In the Eastern Cape the black population account for 86,3%, the white population for 4,7% of the total demographics. In Mpumalanga black people are a majority of 90,7%, white people make up for 7,5%.
MEC Leeto, do you honestly expect us to believe that such a small minority are to blame for those two provinces holding the dubious laurels of having the highest rape figure in the country?

3) On 25 July this year it was reported that the Molautsi Secondary School in Limpopo had 27 learners pregnant. Some of these learners openly stated that they are pregnant by teachers through granting sexual favours in exchange for higher marks or lunch. That is statutory rape.
MEC Leeto, exactly how many white male teachers are on the staff of that school?

We can carry on quoting figures and statistics proving that rape has become a way of life in the black community. Not through the legacy of apartheid as is often claimed, but because of poverty and immortality and overpopulation resulting from the corrupt and incompetent government of the previous 24 years. An ANC government, the party you represent, MEC Leeto.

We won’t quote any more proof. We are just grateful that you are going to be charged for making this statement.

And as angry as we are and as much as we resent your statement, we still hope that you never fall victim to that most despicable of crimes which you chose to use as a tool to humiliate and offend with.

We reject your statement with the contempt it deserves.

Read the original article on Front Nasionaal SA

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SOURCEFront National SA