Every 6.7 days a farmer is murdered in South Africa

Toekoms Vonk

Every 6.7 days a farmer is murdered in South Africa
Every 6.7 days a farmer is murdered in South Africa

According to statistics released by ‘Toekoms Vonk’ since 1 January to the end of September 2019, there have been 350 farm attacks and 41 farm murders in South Africa. The oldest victim was 96 years old, with an average of four attacks per incident, in one case there were 20 attackers. These are not ordinary crimes and if these atrocities occurred in western countries there would be a huge outcry and condemnation but not in South Africa.

The ruling African National Congress government remains complicit while Minister of Police is not only complicit but remain silent.

Read about more farm attacks here

Read more about Toekoms Vonk here

South Africa Today – South Africa News

Book: ‘Kill the Boer’, brutal reality of farm attacks, government complicity

SOURCEToekoms Vonk