Swift response, security company nabs housebreakers, PE

South African Police Service

Swift response, security company nabs housebreakers, PE
Swift response, security company nabs housebreakers, PE

Fighting crime is a shared responsibility between the police, the community and security companies. Quick reaction by a private security company resulted in the immediate arrest of a housebreaking suspect.

It is alleged that on Thursday, 31 May 2018, at about 09:15, the alarm at a house in Lorraine was activated and the owner was informed that the house had been broken into. Entry to the house was gained by forcing open the kitchen window. The security company who received the call was in the vicinity within minutes. The security official noticed two suspicious males standing not far from the house. As the security official approached them, they started running.

One person, aged 37 was apprehended. Investigations revealed that the suspect and his friend had broken into the house. Nothing appeared to have been stolen. The suspect will appear in the Port Elizabeth magistrates’ court today, 1 June 2018, on a charge of housebreaking.

The Cluster Commander for Mount Road, Maj Gen Thembisile Patekile commended the security company for their speedy reaction and arrest. “The excellent working relationship between security companies and the police will ensure successful results as we join hands together in the fight against crime,’ commented Maj Gen Patekile.

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCESouth African Police Service