Suspects arrested for attack on a farmer in Barkly East

Suspects arrested for attack on a farmer in Barkly East
Suspects arrested for attack on a farmer in Barkly East. Image source: Pixabay

Two suspects were arrested this morning, 12 June 2024 for the attack on a 69-year-old farmer on 09 June 2024 on his farm in Barkly East.

It is alleged that on 9 June 2024 at about 21:30, the elderly victim was on his way to the generator room which is about 15 metres from the house when he was attacked and stabbed in the neck by an unknown person. He managed to get back into the house and was rushed to hospital by his son.

At about 07:15, SAPS Barkly East members were on their way to Aliwal North when they spotted two men walking next to the road that fitted the description of the possible suspects. On seeing the police, the men started running but were apprehended.

Detectives are also probing their possible links to other cases of housebreaking in the area.

The two suspects aged 27 and 32 years old will appear in the Barkly East magistrate court tomorrow, 13 June 2024, on the charges of attempted murder, possession of illegal ammunition and possession of a dangerous weapon.

SAPS Newsroom