How to Save a Romantic Relationship during the Coronavirus Period?

How to Save a Romantic Relationship during the Coronavirus Period?

Being in a relationship in normal circumstances is a wonderful experience for most of us. We are in love, we dine out, travel, see friends, etc. But what is happening with a romantic relationship during COVID?

When we all first heard about the pandemic of coronavirus we didn’t know what it means actually nor whether and how it is going to change our lives. But then it did. We had to reorganize everything  -how we work, how our kids learn, how we communicate with friends, and of course how we experience a relationship during COVID.

For many things we have to deal with, most of us received more or less clear instructions from medical specialists and governments. We understood that it is better to avoid crowded spaces, to work from home if it is possible, practice physical distancing, maintain hygiene, and so on. But the question on how to cope with stress, anxiety, and the rest that reflects a great extent on our romantic lives remained unanswered.

Whether we are in long-distance relationships, living with our partner or spouses, and children who demand constant attention we have all been shocked by this new situation. Long-distance couples began to be afraid that they won’t see each other for a very long time because of the inability to travel. Those sharing the same living space have different troubles – they are worried about what will be stuck 24/7 do to their relationships. Because of all this and many other things some couples came to the point of ending relationships during COVID.  Besides thinking about ways to avoid getting sick for many of us among the main questions that arose were how to survive relationships during COVID and how to maintain a relationship during COVID 19.


How to Save Relationship During COVID

Whatever is your particular situation you should keep in mind that you are not alone. Many people share your stories and have maybe not the same but certainly similar questions. That’s why we decided to consult psychologists and therapists and see what can be the things we can do to help our relationship during COVID. These tips can be useful whether you are in a committed long term relationship or you just met someone on

Talk With Your Partner

These are strange times and more than that times none of us witnessed before. Therefore everything can be difficult, even simple talking. Many times, especially in long term relationships we think that our partner thinks or feels the same we do. But it doesn’t have to be the case. Try not to assume how your partner or spouse is feeling, or that they have the same worries or fears that you do. Instead, talk with her or him. With so many emotions running wild during this period talking can pose a real challenge. But clearly expressing your feelings can help your partners understand where you are, and what do you need from them.

Find Ways to Have Fun

Indeed, not being able to go to a restaurant, theater, club, and so on is more than frustrating. But it is not the end of the world. The best thing is to tell yourself and each other that this is a temporary situation. Then you can invent ways of dating at home – make a special meal that your partner likes and bring the atmosphere from your favorite restaurant to your home. Additionally, you can play games that can help you understand how to build a relationship during COVID.

Online Dating

When you are in a long-distance relationship you are no foreigner to Skype, WhatsApp, and other applications that allow us to communicate from afar. The difference is that under normal circumstances this is just part of a relationship whereas now it appears as your entire love life is online. Nevertheless,  online dating is key for surviving long-distance relationships during COVID. This can be very different from what you usually do online and it can be even fun. For example, you can make the same meal and eat at the same time. You can also dress nicely and pretend that you are on a date, in a bar or restaurant – let your imagination go wild and play.

Recognize that Things Won’t Be Easy


It is an incredibly difficult period and denying it won’t help anyone. We all have different ways of dealing with hard things and sometimes this can lead to arguments. Try to simply acknowledge that both of you are going through something unprecedented and that it is important to find the best way to cope.   It is not the time for fixing big issues in your relationship – leaving huge discussions for a better period is the first step in understanding how to keep relationships during COVID.


COVID 19 pandemic created chaos in the lives of all of us to a greater or lesser extent and especially when you are figuring out how to enjoy relationships during COVID. Indeed a lot of questions emerged but if you do love and respect each other nothing is impossible even if there are thousands of miles separating you at this moment. How did this situation affect your relationships?

Author’s bio:  

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.