Healthy Self, Healthy Love: Characteristics of a Strong Relationship

Healthy Self, Healthy Love: Characteristics of a Strong Relationship

Most of us dream of finding that perfect partner to spend the rest of our lives with, but what happens when we find that special someone and it still isn’t working out?

The truth is, many things are working against us having happy, satisfying relationships. Stress from work, family responsibilities, and even past experiences with a former partner can put a damper on our new love. The connection you share with your spouse needs your time and attention to grow and blossom into something amazing.

Not all relationships are the same, but those in successful relationships often have the same personality traits. Here are 7 love tips on how to have a stronger, deeper connection to your partner – starting today!

  1. Loyalty

One of the most important love tips for developing a strong relationship is to have deep loyalty for your partner.

Loyalty is important to a great marriage because it is what makes partners feel comfortable with one another. When you trust your spouse, you can confide personal thoughts and feelings with them. You also feel safe and secure in your relationship.

Those who are not loyal spread the seed of distrust in their marriage. They may tell their partner’s precious secrets, step outside of the marriage for emotional or sexual fulfillment, and contribute to the low self-esteem and heartbreak of their spouse.

  1. Excellent Communication Skills

One way you can ensure that you’re contributing to your communication skills is by having a regular date night each week. This is a time when you can get together with your spouse, romance each other, forget about being parents or the stresses of work and just enjoy each other’s company.

Whether a couple has a regular date night plays a large role in how happy they will be together.

Research compiled by The National Marriage Project shows that couples who date each other regularly experience more passion and excitement in their relationship. They are also better at communicating, less likely to get divorced and share a more satisfying sex life.

  1. Mutual Respect

You cannot have love if you do not have respect. You can show respect for your partner in many ways, both big and small. Here are just a few examples:

  • Do not interrupt them when they speak
  • Respect their personal possessions (don’t check their phone, etc.)
  • Show empathy for their feelings
  • Acknowledge your partner’s needs
  • Do not be critical
  • Replace sarcasm and harsh words with gentle requests
  • Respond to your partner in a timely fashion
  • Make your relationship a priority
  • Listen when your partner is speaking
  • Do not speak disrespectfully about your spouse to others
  • Be supportive of your spouse
  • Honor their requests
  • Put your phone down when you are talking to one another
  • Consult one another before making big decisions
  • Do not behave in a way that would disrespect the love you have for your spouse, such as flirting with someone else.
  1. Healthy Sexual Desires

Research on a healthy sex life found that marital satisfaction is increased when partners have an engaging sex life.

The oxytocin hormone released during sex and especially after orgasm has been shown to have anti-stress effects. Oxytocin reduces blood pressure and lowers cortisol levels. It also increases the body’s threshold for pain and promotes healing and growth.

Not only does sex feel amazing, it is also responsible for lowering stress and increasing trust between partners. Some studies have even suggested that a healthy sex life can boost monogamy.

  1. Desire to Spend Quality Time Together

One of the biggest characteristics of a healthy relationship is couples who actually enjoy spending time together. These are the same couples who are best friends as well as lovers.

Why is being a best friend important when you are in a relationship? One Australian study found that one of the highest predictors in a successful marriage was partners who treated each other like best friends. These are the couples who love hanging out, sharing hobbies, and who know how to share a laugh.

Research shows that couples who share activities enjoy higher levels of marital satisfaction. Married couples who regularly spend quality time together also report less stress and greater happiness than couples who do not make each other a priority.

  1. Learning How to Fight Fair

When you love someone, you want to give them the respect of fighting fair.

Listening is a big part of communicating when you are angry with each other. Often, we want to get our point across so badly when we are arguing with our partner’s that we just end up yelling or talking over them, but this is not the right way to handle things.

Fight fair by letting your partner have a say. Give them your undivided attention and do your best to see things from their perspective.

Another way you can fight fair is by refusing to raise your voice or resort to name-calling.

Remember that arguing is about coming together as a team to solve a problem, not to fight it out like enemies just to get your way.

  1. Trusting One Another

One of the biggest love tips for a happy marriage is to develop trust.

Similar to loyalty, trust is important because it allows couples to feel comfortable and satisfied in their marriage. A study done by Redeemer University College found that couples who trust one another experience happier, more fulfilling relationships.

Trust lets you know that your partner is not judging you, that you are not trying to control one another, that you love one another without underhanded motives, and that you will stand by one another if things get hard.

If you want to have a healthy relationship, you must learn to develop healthy habits. Loyalty, communication skills, a healthy sex life, and learning how to compromise are all great characteristics of happy marriages. By following these love tips, you’ll be well on your way to a happily ever after.