Best Tips for Taking Care of a Mattress

Best Tips for Taking Care of a Mattress
Best Tips for Taking Care of a Mattress

Purchasing a new mattress is an important investment that will improve your health and well-being. One of the worst things that you can do for your health is to sleep on a mattress that is 15 or 20 years old. Old surfaces lose their support and comfort over time and can lead to neck and back pain, and rest deprivation. Sleep deprivation can contribute to various issues, such as weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, and more. If you have had your current mattress for more than 15 years, and it has lost its initial comfort and support, you should replace it with a new one as soon as you can. Real Mattress Reviews site can help you find the perfect mattress for your wishes and needs. Once you buy a new surface for sleeping, you need to take proper care of it if you want your investment to last for as long as possible.


On the other hand, if you don’t take care of it adequately, its lifespan will be shortened. The more you care for your new mattress, the longer you will enjoy all the benefits that sleeping on it offers. Remember that just a little bit of maintenance and care can go a long way. Here are some tips that will help you increase the life expectancy of your new mattress:

Clean Your Mattress Regularly

If you want your surface for sleeping to last for many years to come, you need to know how to clean it adequately. The proper cleaning will reduce dust buildup, which is especially vital to those who are allergic to dust. One of the things that you should do is vacuuming your mattress with the upholstery attachment every couple of months. In case of spills and stains that you want to be removed, it is the best idea to apply warm water and mild soap. Using harsh chemicals is not a good choice as these chemicals can harm the fabric of your mattress. Of course, don’t forget to wait until it is entirely dry before you put your sheets back on. Cleaning and vacuuming your mattress won’t take away much of your time, but it will have a significant positive impact on its lifespan.

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Rotate it Every Several Months

Another thing that you can try if you want to increase the life expectancy of your sleeping surface is to rotate it from time to time. You should rotate your mattress at least once a year as something like this will even out the wear over time. Of course, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but rotating it head-to-toe every several months will help it wear out evenly, and as a result, the chances of depressions and softening occurring on the surface will be reduced.

Don’t Sit on the Edge of Your Mattress

Finally, if you want to preserve your mattress, you should avoid sitting on its edge. This habit will weaken the sides over time, which will influence the rest of it. Give up on this habit if you want to increase its life expectancy. However, if you have a memory foam mattress this doesn’t apply as you can sit on the edge without any negative consequences on its structure.