What Helps Severe Anxiety?

What Helps Severe Anxiety?
What Helps Severe Anxiety? Image source: Pixabay

Like several other disorders, anxiety is perceived to be a usual reaction to danger or the body’s automatic response to the automatic fight or flight response. The response is usually a circumstance when you feel threatened, pressurized, and face a challenging situation.

Anxiety in the millennial century is not an uncommon concept; instead, it can also be beneficial in ways more than one. Beneficial for helping you stay alert and focused, anxiety can even encourage you to solve problems at large.

However, the concern arises when the intensity of the underlying condition varies and reaches its peak. It might get extremely overwhelming at this point. With worries interfering with your daily life and relationships, you have likely crossed the usual lie of anxiety and reached the phase of severe anxiety.

What causes severe anxiety?

Researchers are still apprehensive about ascertaining the exact cause of anxiety; however, several factors likely play a role. Some of the essential factors include environmental and genetic factors, in addition to brain chemistry.

Additionally, researchers also believe that the regulation of certain areas of the brain to be responsible for controlling fear might be impacted. A large number of recent studies are being conducted to take a deeper look at the brain parts involved with anxiety.

Are there tests diagnosing anxiety?

There is no single test in the world that can diagnose anxiety. However, an anxiety diagnosis needs a lengthy process of several mental health evaluations, physical examinations, along with several psychological counseling sessions involving questionnaires.

Certain physical tests and examinations might also be useful for finding out the underlying medical condition and its symptoms. This is quite often performed by doctors to evaluate the symptoms.

Several scales and tests are also beneficial in helping doctors assess and evaluate the level of anxiety you have been experiencing.

What helps treat severe anxiety?

If you have been diagnosed with anxiety, you can certainly explore the disorder even further and know your condition even better. Additionally, you can furthermore explore several treatment options with a medical professional. Severe anxiety, however, brings along with it the compulsory need to treat the underlying condition.

Treatment can be a lifesaver to helping you overcome the symptoms and lead a sustainable and manageable daily life. The treatment significantly falls under two distinct categories: medication and psychotherapy. On meeting a psychologist or therapist, you can learn more about the strategies, treatment, and dosage.

However, for now, let us discuss the most popular treatments available and what helps severe anxiety:

Treatment for severe anxiety:

The treatment you choose depends on the kind of anxiety disorder you have been diagnosed with and the severity experienced. However, in general, as mentioned above, these are treated with medication, therapy, and even a combination of both.

Cognitive behavior therapy:

The therapy is beneficial in identifying and challenging all patterns invoking negative thoughts, and the irrational beliefs fuelling your anxiety even further.

Exposure therapy:

This therapy motivates you to confront the anxieties, the fears, and the provoking thoughts you have been undergoing. With the help of gradual exposure to the situation and the cause, you certainly gain a larger control and strength. With individuals facing the situation without being induced any feeling of harm, the anxiety soon diminishes.


In addition to therapy, medication is another side of the coin, treating anxiety and related issues. Feeling overwhelmed with heart-pounding panic, exhaustion, and fear, spending another sleepless night can be a troublesome affair.

Different types of medication make most of the treatment that includes traditional anti-anxiety drugs, including traditional drugs. These traditional drugs are benzodiazepines and also offer varied newer options, including SSRI antidepressants.

The medications work by slowing down the nervous system while aiding you to relax both mentally and physically. Antidepressants, on the other hand, manage depression and serotonin reuptake inhibitors even lead to causing nausea and varied sexual dysfunction.

Anxiety medications can essentially be habit-forming and cause unwanted and dangerous side effects. It is mandatory to ensure that you research your options well. Several individuals make use of anti-anxiety medication along with exercise, therapy, and self-help.


A large number of clinical trials are beneficial for supporting CBD treating anxiety. Several brand reviews and customer feedback have also reaffirmed that brands like NuLeaf Naturals might be one of the best CBD Oils for anxiety treatment.

CBD engages with the serotonin levels of the brain which plays a role in proper sleep, mood, behavior, and digestion. Additional research studies also suggest that serotonin levels furthermore help cure depression and severe anxiety. Few medications, such as antidepressants, further work through regulating the serotonin levels and target severe anxiety.

What does research have to say about CBD?

As a result of the rising popularity that CBD has gained in recent years, several studies have further examined the treatment of anxiety.

A study conducted in the year 2011 reflects that CBD has been beneficial to reducing discomfort and anxiety, especially during circumstances such as public speaking.

Another major review of 49 studies has found strong evidence that enunciates CBD as an essential treatment for several concerns such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A study performed in 2019 evaluated the use of CBD to treat individuals struggling with sleep as well as anxiety. As many as 80% of individuals reported experiencing an improved condition, with treating anxiety. Furthermore, it also managed to discover that around 70% of individuals experienced improved sleep with the treatment.

Final Thoughts:

Severe anxiety thus is an underlying condition that needs immediate attention. However, as mentioned earlier, medications have only been beneficial to treat the underlying condition for a temporary period, with feelings emerging back and forth.

This makes it important for individuals to try out and embrace alternative treatments such as CBD that help treat and in a natural manner. Make sure you visit a medical professional before consuming any of the medications to maximize its benefits on your body and mind.

In case the condition persists, do not delay, instead seek a medical professional.