Red Light Therapy, the gift you didn’t know you needed this festive season

Red Light Therapy, the gift you didn’t know you needed this festive season
Red Light Therapy, the gift you didn't know you needed this festive season

While December is traditionally a time spent with loved ones, let’s not forget to put aside some time for a little self-love. This season of giving, why not treat yourself (or a loved one) with the gift of Red Light Therapy?

Red Light Therapy refers to the use of light at specific frequencies (650-850 nm) and intensities to heal damaged skin and tissue. The problem with getting these light rays from the sun is that you also get the harmful UV rays, which can do more damage to your skin than good. With Red Light Therapy, you get all of the benefits with none of the drawbacks. It’s a win-win! If this sounds interesting, you need to add Red Lab’s Handheld Device to the top of your Christmas gift or wish list.

While beauty may only be skin deep, those who struggle with skin issues know all too well how difficult it can be to face the world with confidence when you’re experiencing a flare-up. That’s why Olympic athlete Rebecca Meder cannot recommend the Red Lab Handheld Device enough.

“The Red Lab Handheld device is super convenient and easy to use. It can be included in your skincare routine in the bath, lying in bed or watching TV. It’s portable and can be packed in any bag, perfect for busy individuals on the move. It’s great for travelling as it’s light and compact. What’s more, it can even be used during load shedding as long as it’s kept charged. This makes it the perfect gift for Christmas,” she says.

Sharing is caring

The Reb Lab Handheld Unit is a portable, rechargeable device consisting of 30 LEDs with three settings – red light, near-infrared light and blue light. Blue light works wonders for acne-prone skin. Adds Rebecca, “Recently, a phenomenon known as ‘maskne’ – breakouts caused by the buildup of oil and bacteria under your face mask – has emerged. This makes the device a versatile and practical Christmas gift to help deal with this ‘new normal’.”

Once fully charged, the device can be targeted (held 5cm away) at any area of the body requiring treatment. Several treatment areas can be covered at a maximum of 60 minutes per 24-hour period. “This is the ideal entry-level device for those looking for a cost-effective solution with broad-spectrum results, including anti-ageing, acne treatment, pain relief, scar and wound healing, and the treatment of muscle spasms or injury,” she adds.

Self-care anytime, anywhere

Thanks to Red Lab, busy individuals can enjoy the benefits of Red Light Therapy from the comfort of their home or while on the move. This means that self-care just got a whole lot more convenient.

“Being a portable device, it really makes it easier to make time for self-care in your busy schedule. You can use it in 5-minute slots whenever you have a few minutes to spare. For example, moms can use it while waiting in the car for the kids to finish school. Alternatively, use the device for a quick session during your lunch break or even while you’re bingeing your favourite Netflix series. The opportunities are endless,” she continues.

Rebecca adds how she has started to incorporate the device into her daily skincare routine. “One thing I tend to focus on is using it earlier in the day instead of later as the acne function is blue light, which could disrupt sleeping patterns. So, using it in the morning is a better option. I’ve been using it for about 10 – 15 minutes a day, and I’m super excited to see the benefits for my skin!”

A time for giving

Rebecca says she looks forward to gifting this device to her sister this Christmas. “She loves looking after her skin, and I think the Red Lab Handheld Device will just change her skincare routine completely. It’s a great gift idea as she can use it every day and see the benefits first-hand. Being a student and swimming athlete she is exposed to chlorine every day. The Red Light Therapy could be used to keep her skin healthy and young. She can also use the device for her muscle repair and recovery routine after training as the Red Light and NIL aids muscle repair.”

In addition to the Handheld Device, Rebecca admits that she believes any Red Lab device would make an awesome Christmas gift. “Not only will it aid the person receiving the gift, but it will also bring awareness to the importance and efficacy of using Red Light Therapy in their daily life.”

Visit Red Lab online to purchase the handheld at-home device.