Ptosis Surgery Singapore: Are you Awake during Ptosis Surgery?

Ptosis surgery is an elective procedure meaning that you can choose to have or avoid it since it doesn’t pose any health risk. It may be considered for medical reasons, if your ptosis is suspected to result from a hidden health condition.

In this case, the surgery will be administered to treat the hidden health issue. It may also be important for you medically if the drooping eyelid due to ptosis covers your eye(s), making it difficult for you to see clearly. 

If you’re considering Singapore for this treatment therefore, your ptosis surgery in Singapore will be administered to lift your eyelid. There are different approaches in ptosis surgery. 

Depending on your factors like your levator muscle function and the type of ptosis you’re dealing with, your oculoplastic surgeon may choose to tighten your levator muscle to lift the drooping eyelid. They may also use the frontalis muscle to hold your eyelid in place.

There will be incisions involved in both procedures, and the doctor may also have to open your eyelids inside out. These must be uncomfortable, meaning that your surgeon will have to find the best way of keeping you comfortable during the treatment.

Are you put to sleep during Ptosis Surgery?

Before your Ptosis surgery in Singapore, you can expect to have an in-depth consultation with your surgeon. Depending on the specific ptosis surgery technique recommended for you, there may be a need for anesthetic allergy testing if you have a medical history of adverse allergic reactions.

Now, if you require an advanced ptosis surgery in Singapore, for example, the Frontals Sling Fixation procedure, you will be treated with a general anesthetic. This implies that you will not be awake during this ptosis surgery.

However, if you’re having a ptosis surgery for tightening your levator muscle, for example, the External Ptosis Surgery technique for repositioning your levator muscle, you will only be given a sedative medication. The sedative treatment here will only make you comfortable and experience no pain, but you will not be asleep.

This is even necessary as the surgeon will want you to make eye movements during the operation to determine how wide your eyelids may open. There are important preparation requirements for these procedures, which are mostly the same. To avoid any complications, for example, excessive bleeding during your ptosis surgery in Singapore be sure to follow the preparation requirements as directed by the surgeon. 

How long does Ptosis Surgery Take?

Ptosis surgery in Singapore is mostly done on an outpatient basis, implying that you really don’t have to stay in the facility overnight. It can be corrected quickly, with most operations requiring just 30 to 60 minutes.

The tightening or re-attaching of the essential muscles raising your eyelids is done with sutures buried under your skin. To ensure that any scar won’t be visible after your treatment, the incisions for tightening or re-attaching your levator muscle are done in your eyelid crease.

There may also be a need to remove excess skin in your upper eyelid to help with this procedure. You will need a follow-up appointment with the surgeon 7 days after your surgery to remove stitches that will be made along your upper eyelid fold.

When preparing for ptosis surgery in Singapore, you should avoid blood-thinning medications like warfarin and aspirin to reduce the risks of excessive bleeding. As a basic rule of thumb, if you’re on any blood-thinning medications when considering ptosis surgery in Singapore, you will need to discontinue them. 

Consult with your doctor to determine if it is safe to stop the medications before proceeding with the surgery. Other than the anticoagulants, you will also need to discontinue anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen if you are actively using some at the time of considering ptosis surgery in Singapore.

You will also need to stop alcohol consumption or smoking for some time, most commonly, 7 to 14 days before your surgery if you’re an active smoker of you drink alcohol. Smoking impairs your wound healing process, and even worse off, increases your risks of getting infections.

Alcoholic beverages are strongly discouraged before surgery because of their blood thinning attributes, which may increase bleeding risks. On the scheduled date to surgery, you will also need to avoid drinking or eating anything 6 hours to the surgery to avoid anesthetic complications.

When going for the surgery, be sure to accompany yourself with someone who will drive you back home after treatment or make arrangements for a cab back home. You can bathe and wash your face well in the morning but not wear any makeup.

Importantly, you will also need to wear tops you can button at the front and avoid wearing any jewelry. If you have been using contact lenses, it is also recommendable that you leave them at home.

How do you sleep after Ptosis Surgery?

One of the core aftercare tips when considering ptosis surgery in Singapore is to avoid pressure on your face. Because of this, you will need to keep your head elevated even when sleeping.

That implies that you should not even be sleeping on your side after ptosis surgery. Here’s how to sleep easily after ptosis surgery;

For the first few days after your ptosis surgery, it is ideal that you sleep on your back. Use pillows to prop your head up and keep it elevated.

It is essential that you sleep with your head elevated to reduce swelling. Now, if you accidentally roll over and end up sleeping on your side during the night, there are minimal chances you will get any negative side effects.

Nonetheless, you will need to immediately contact your doctor if you wake up with a severely swollen face or with bleeding. To avoid such risks, you may consider having a recliner and use it when sleeping as it will make it easy for you to maintain your sleeping position.

Alternatively, since you now understand that you should not be sleeping on your sides after ptosis surgery in Singapore, maybe you can begin training on sleeping on your back with your head in an elevated position. This way, you will get used to this style when you get your surgery, so you don’t find sleeping complicated.

Take Away

You may be asleep or awake during your ptosis surgery. It all depends on the ptosis surgery technique your surgeon chooses to use. If you’re considering ptosis surgery, send us an email now to schedule your consultation to check if it is right for you.