How Natural Hemp Oil Can Benefit You

How Natural Hemp Oil Can Benefit You
How Natural Hemp Oil Can Benefit You. Image source: Pixabay

While most people have heard of CBD oil, the lesser-known hemp seed oil is also growing in popularity. The two products are definitely not the same, although both do offer health benefits to its users. CBD oil is produced using stalks, leaves, and flowers that come from the hemp plant. They contain a higher level of CBD. On the other hand, hemp oil is derived from food-grain stems of hemp or comes from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. And keep in mind, hemp oil is also not weed, either.

Hemp seed oil comes from the cannabis plant and contains little or no THC. Therefore, they will not provide the user with any “high” or intoxication. Users can apply it to their skin or take it orally with essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. This combination of quality nutrients has earned the product a spot on the superfoods list.

Hemp seed oil is made by pressing the seeds for oil, much like olive oil is made from pressing whole olives. Because the oil is so very rich in nutrients, it offers a number of natural hemp oil benefits verified through past and on-going research. Those interested in improving their health should consider the following areas to treat with hemp oil.

Balance your Hormones:

For those women who suffer from PMS with menstrual cramps, there is natural help available. Evidence points to relief with the tenderness of breasts, swelling, irritability, and even depression. Older women have also discovered hemp seed oil can help as they go through menopause, treating such symptoms as hot flashes, mood swings, and depression. While hemp seed oil is not likely to get rid of PMS or menopause symptoms ultimately, it does provide help without having to turn to pharmaceuticals.

Heart Health:

In several different ways, hemp seed oil improves heart health. With high levels of omega-6 and omega-3, the essential fatty acids cut down cholesterol levels, helping to avert heart disease. Also featuring excellent sources of GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid) and high in enzyme lipase, this non-invasive oil assists in removing plaque that has built up from blood vessels and cell membranes. In this way, it helps prevent heart disease.

Weight Loss:

The same GLA that helps in heart health also helps reduce sugar cravings and is, in fact, a natural appetite suppressant. This, in turn, allows dieters to take in fewer calories and lose weight. The hemp oil also assists in keeping the weight off once lost.

Healthy Skin:

To moisturize skin, an increasing number of people are turning to hemp oil. It is absorbed quickly into the skin and contributes to the skin’s ability to preserve moisture. With its rich nutrients, fatty acids, and antioxidants, hemp oil is ideal for massage and healing treatments. With prolonged usage, the skin’s appearance is likely to improve greatly. In fact, the oil is often used to relieve acne by regulating the amount of oil in the skin, skin abrasions, psoriasis, and eczema. For those who have succumbed to the ravages of time, dry skin with wrinkles may seem like a foregone conclusion. That’s not the case when using hemp seed oil. While certainly not the fountain of youth, it does help turn back the clock a bit.

Boost Immune System:

In these days of flu and COVID-19, it’s more important than ever to boost one’s immune system. With hemp seed oil, the essential fatty acids help strengthen the immune system when taken on a regular basis.

Perhaps most well-known for its ability to fight inflammation, hemp seed oil’s GLA is the key. For those fighting arthritis and multiple sclerosis, hemp oil improves their symptoms. It’s further being used to fight the effects of fibromyalgia, too. While some inflammation in the body is normal, higher amounts can cause heart disease or cancer. Therefore, it’s a precaution to use hemp seed oil in your diet.

Pain Relief:

The public has increasingly been on the lookout for non-medicinal forms of pain relief. Such is the case with hemp seed oil when ingested or applied on the skin. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, more consumers are using it to aid in injuries, infections, and joint pain. For athletes, it’s a standard aid after workouts instead of aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen.

Pregnancy Help

Hemp seed oil brings the omega-3 fatty acids to the table and provides a great supplement for pregnant women. Taking in sufficient amounts of omega-3 acids is so important as it’s a building block for the development of a fetus’ brain and retina. As mentioned before, it also aids in preventing perinatal depression.

Diabetes Treatment:

With diabetes reaching epic numbers in recent years, it’s no wonder patients are looking for new and different ways to treat the disease. Because the condition is linked to an unbalanced intake of essential fatty acids, hemp seed oil becomes the go-to answer with great potential to prevent the disease altogether. Further, it assists in lowering A1C levels in those who already have type 2 diabetes.

Improve Digestion:

While official, documentative research is still out, users’ scores swear that hemp seed oil reduces inflammation in the gastro tract and improves conditions such as inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD). The fatty acids promote the good microbes in the stomach, improving both digestion and one’s immune system.

Increase Hair Growth:

Thanks to those fatty acids, hemp seed oil increases the moisture in hair and helps it shine. Additionally, it promotes the growth of one’s hair and adds strength to the hair strands. This, in turn, allows the hair to grow thicker. There is also evidence that putting the oil straight onto the scalp reduces hair dryness, itchiness, and dandruff.

Whether you’re looking to improve your skin, keep certain illnesses at bay or improve mental health, hemp seed oil should probably be a part of your healthcare arsenal. With numerous minerals and nutrients, the benefits are many. The product is easy to purchase and is legal in most places. Additionally, it can also be purchased online for those unable to locate it locally.