15 Reasons Why Everyone Loves CBD Bath Bombs

15 Reasons Why Everyone Loves CBD Bath Bombs
15 Reasons Why Everyone Loves CBD Bath Bombs. Image source: Pixabay

After a long day of work, nothing is more relaxing than a warm bath. Not only does such a bath help you wash off the tiredness, but it also helps you unwind mentally. But, what if there was a way to level up your bathing routine? Several CBD companies like Sunday Scaries now produce CBD bath bombs which will help elevate your bath in several ways. A good soak has several healing powers, and CBD will help accentuate and fortify all these benefits. If you thought baths could never get more relaxing, then you need to try a CBD bath bomb the next time you are in the tub. How do these CBD bath bombs work, and why should you rely on them? Here’s everything you need to know about these bath bombs and why they are so beneficial.

What are CBD Bath Bombs?

CBD bath bombs are the perfect way to turn your baths more luxurious indulgent than ever before. Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is a non-psychoactive compound found in both hemp and marijuana. It has been gaining popularity around the world for the several medicinal properties it possesses. Since CBD contains no Tetrahydrocannabinol, a psychoactive compound found in marijuana, CBD is legal throughout the US. These hemp-based derivatives interact with our body’s natural endocannabinoid system, helping to optimize it by modulating hormone production.

Infused with hemp-derived CBD, these bath bombs are the perfect answer to sore muscles and a stiff back. These bath bombs can help elevate your baths, making them more soothing for your body, soul, and mind. Additionally, if you are someone who’s heard of CBD’s therapeutic benefits yet hesitant to try it, bath bombs might be a perfect choice. These allow you to soak in CBD’s medicinal benefits without ingesting it in any form. These essentially allow you to experience all of CBD’s positive effects by merely lounging in a tub!

Image source: Pixabay

15 Reasons Why People Love CBD Bath Bombs

There is a reason why people can’t get enough of Sunday Scaries CBD products, such as cannabinoid oil and gummies. However, people hesitant to ingest CBD can still experience its therapeutic effects by using bath bombs infused with CBD. These have been gaining popularity in recent years as the ultimate relaxing and recuperative reset. Here’s a quick look at the top 15 reasons why people love CBD bath bombs.

  1. Serve as the perfect end to an intense workout, business trip, or a long workday. These bath bombs can also help prevent muscle spasms, arthritic pain, and cramps by eradicating toxins along with Epsom salt.
  2. Effectively acts as the ultimate calming break that helps promote a sense of holistic well-being.
  3. Help in supporting our body’s endocannabinoid system by boosting its production.
  4. CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects receive a boost on heating, making bath-time a gateway to better skin. Heat leads to vasodilation of blood vessels, making it easier for them to absorb CBD from the bathwater.
  5. Work as a natural remedy for pain relief as soaking in hot water infused with CBD expedites the process of absorption. Hence, the CBD finds its way into your skin and eventually your bloodstream much faster through your pores.
  6. The perfect way to relax and soothe aching muscles after a long day’s work. CBD enhances all the benefits of a traditional bath, making it easier for you to recover from a bad back or strained muscle.
  7. It helps in opening up your airways, allowing you to breathe better.
  8. Serve as an excellent way to treat muscle soreness after an intense workout at the gym. Bath salts deliver the right amount of minerals, helping promote the healing of your muscles.
  9. The perfect way for your musculoskeletal system to relax, decompress and recover from inflammation and pain. While CBD oils and balms work wonders for localized inflammation, bath bombs allow the whole body to take advantage of these benefits.
  10. CBD bath bombs help in soothing irritated, agitated, and inflamed skin with ease. They can also help your body relax, preventing acne, wrinkling, and the development of fine lines, which indicate aging.
  11. CBD is a versatile compound that serves as a malleable ingredient that works on different systems. Hence, it works well with ingredients like sulfur, magnesium, rosemary, and sea salt.
  12. Another integral and popular benefit of CBD is that it helps prevent and treat anxiety and improves the user’s mood.
  13. These CBD bath bombs can help individuals struggling with sleep disorders and insomnia rest better at night. Since the skin absorbs CBD efficiently, these bath bombs are an effective alternative to tinctures consumed orally.
  14. Since CBD is a natural, plant-derived compound, it is a much better option than synthetic chemical-based drugs. It works in tandem with other natural products in the bath bombs producing an organically therapeutic effect.
  15. Lastly, CBD bath bombs can help your body glow by improving blood circulation around your body. They work in tandem with Epsom salt to open up pores and eject toxins leading to smoother, softer skin.
Image source: Pixabay

How to Buy a CBD Bath Bomb?

  1. Make sure you buy CBD bath bombs from reputable brands with the required accreditation and certification. Always look for third-party testing reports and certificates to gauge the overall quality of these products.
  2. Try to look for bath bombs that contain active ingredients such as essential oils, pharmaceutical-grade Epsom bath salts, and natural CBD. Additionally, opt for bath bombs that employ a non-chemical carbon dioxide extraction process, as this eliminates metals, toxins, solvents, and pesticides.
  3. Ensure the product contains high-quality, hemp-derived, full-spectrum CBD oil that contains less than 0.3 percent THC. The best option in such cases is to opt for products certified by the US Hemp Authority.
  4. Before submerging completely in the CBD-infused bath, make sure you test the diluted product on a small area of skin. Not only will this help you identify adverse reactions, but it will also help protect your sensitive skin from other ingredients in the bath bomb.
  5. When it comes to how long you should remain in the bath, the answer depends on you and the particular product you are using. If you are using a bath salt or mix, the recommended serving size in most cases is one large scoop. Also, a 15 or 20-minute soak is ideal if you have the luxury of time in your busy day.

Final Thoughts

When you come home after a long, hard day of work, a nice long bath might be the best thing to happen to you. Sprinkling a CBD bath bomb into your tub can help make your bath more relaxing and comforting. Not only will such a bath soothe your aching muscles, but it will also help you calm your nerves. These are an upgrade from your traditional bath bombs as they provide a slew of medicinal and therapeutic benefits. For instance, these bath bombs can help you sleep better, unwind faster and improve your mood. Make sure you make the most of your baths by introducing some CBD bath bombs into your skincare routine. For more information regarding the medicinal benefits of CBD, make sure you follow this space for updates!