An Inclusive Guide to Why Wild Alaskan Salmon is Beneficial for Your Health

Eating seafood that comes with higher omega-3 level is undoubtedly crucial for your overall health. And of all types of fish, Alaskan salmon (technically the wild salmon) happens to be one of the best choices. In case you really don’t enough idea about its health benefits, then concentrate more on reading this guide. So to know more, here’s presenting how the wild Alaskan salmon is extremely beneficial for your health.

Gives You a Healthy Heart

The first positive of wild salmon is the benefits it brings for heart health. Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 in the world, and all varieties provide large amounts of the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega-3 exerts a range of health-protective effects on the cardiovascular system. It is beneficial for below-offered things.

  • Helps in reducing triglycerides
  • Beneficial for normalizing the heart rhythm
  • Improves the blood flow
  • Helps in lowering (or making high) the blood pressure accordingly

Safer than those Farmed Salmon

Wild salmon is significant and safer to consume than the other farmed Atlantic salmon. One of the most prevalently negative points of the aquaculture is contaminants. Another one happens to be the wide option of the chemicals that farmers incorporate to fight some diseases. Acceding to the studies, farmed salmon have uncovered which the fish contains multiple harmful compounds including heavy metals, dioxins, antibiotics, pesticides, and PCBs or Polychlorinated biphenyls.

Improves Cholesterol Profiles and Blood Lipids

As previously mentioned, wild Alaskan salmon has many benefits for heart health. These health-protective effects largely come from the impact it has on blood lipids. In fact, regularly eating fatty fish like salmon improves cardiovascular markers across the board. Higher consumption of EPA and DHA from omega-3 rich fish increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and decrease triglyceride (TG) levels. The HDL to TG ratio is one of the strongest risk factors for heart disease; the higher the amount of HDL, the better.

Can Fight Inflammation

Inflammation happens to be the natural reaction of the body in times of illness or stress. Also, this might occur when your body gets exposed to harmful compounds. Nevertheless, the excessive and prolonged inflammatory responses by immune systems are thought as the key driver of the chronic disease.

A Huge Source of Selenium

Selenium is a critical mineral for our overall health. Similar to omega-3, people are consuming less selenium in the present day. One of the reasons for this is that soil selenium concentrations have become extremely low in many crop-growing areas. The map below shows how much selenium levels in soil can vary across the globe.

DHA Boosts Brain Health

The omega-3 fatty acid named docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is one of the best things we can consume for brain health. While a basic level of DHA is an absolute requirement for normal brain function, higher levels are likely necessary to protect our brain health. Sockeye salmon is an abundant source of DHA, and it is this fatty acid that many people credit for the cognitive health of the Japanese elderly.

Wrap up

As can be seen from the nutrient profile and the eight benefits, wild Alaskan sockeye salmon is one of the best foods you can eat.