An Exclusive Guide to Everything about Consuming Halibut Fish

An Exclusive Guide to Everything about Consuming Halibut Fish

Halibut happens to be a species of the flatfish. The Atlantic halibut is the world’s largest flatfish. And concerning the fact about eating fish, there are debates on whether or not the essential nutrient content and omega-3 fatty acids outweigh the risks like sustainability and mercury contamination. You might be swayed by the variety of nutrients in this delicacy. To know more on this front, this guide will evaluate the mercury contamination as well as the potential risks of consuming halibut.

Good for Your Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women worldwide. Halibut contains a variety of nutrients that are good for your heart, such as omega-3 fatty acids, niacin, selenium, and magnesium. Omega-3 fatty acids have numerous heart health benefits. They can help lower triglycerides, increase “good” HDL cholesterol, help prevent blood clots and lower blood pressure in those with high levels. Finally, studies show that adding magnesium to your diet may help lower blood pressure.

Rich in Micronutrients

Halibut happens to an amazing source of selenium which is a trace mineral that comes with health benefits that the body requires in just a small amount. The cooked half-filet of halibut is recommended for serving size and this can provides more than 100% of daily dietary requirements. As a matter of fact, Selenium happens to be a powerful antioxidant which can help your body in repairing the damaged cells. Additionally, it can also help in decreasing inflammation. In a nutshell, it also plays an essential role in thyroid health.

One half-filet (160 grams) of halibut can provide more than a third of your dietary needs for multiple vitamins and minerals, including selenium, niacin, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins B12 and B6.

Helps Fight Inflammation

While inflammation can sometimes be helpful for your body, chronic low-grade inflammation can harm your health. Halibut’s selenium, niacin, and omega-3 contents can help reduce the negative effects of chronic inflammation. One serving of halibut contains 106% of your daily selenium needs. This powerful antioxidant helps lower oxidative stress in your body. Studies have shown that increased selenium blood levels improve your immune response, whereas a deficiency may negatively affect immune cells and their function.

Excellent Source of High Protein

A serving of the cooked halibut comes with a total of 42 grams of the high-quality protein. Therefore, it helps in meeting the dietary protein requirements. It would be important to note that the amount is needed for preventing deficiency. The activity level, state of health, and muscle mass can help in increasing the protein requirement of your body.

There are pros and cons to both wild-caught and farm-raised halibut. Environmental reasons and sustainability, as well as price and personal preference influence consumer choice. Nutritionally speaking, differences are minimal.

The Bottom Line

Halibut provides a variety of nutrients that may improve your heart health and help fight heart disease. So you need to perform your own survey right before proceeding with the purchase.